
3. Towards the Cosmic Age / "Science and Faith" (Kaitron)

With such an immature mentality, you must not go out to space.

There are advanced civilizations far beyond. And also there are still immature stars. If you go out to such a place, other planets, or stars, and if you poorly behave such as making a planet a colony, if you have such a mind, now you will not be able to discover things such as the flying saucers from the other celestial space or the driving energy or the like.

However, why are the ninth dimensions coming, why are El-Ranty and El- Kantale coming and saying the earth is to be reborn into a planet of love, at first by its mind?

By those words, they and the other gods also are saying frantically to you that they wish you will be the companions of the space age.

Why is it?

First, in the earth as a planet of love, we have a deep faith in the fundamental universe, God, and besides that, there also comes up the next dimension, that is, we are to encounter the space companions of the other celestial worlds, go hand in hand with them, encountering them at the roots of the mother planet.

For that purpose, you have first to learn the teaching of love, the teaching of mind. As something like a test for our learning, nuclear energy has been given.

In that regard, now are you going to use it for the nuclear power plants? If you do so, the nuclear energy is possible hereafter in forms other than nuclear fusion energy; this will become apparent when you learn its usage.

It is possible to use a much more stable nuclear reaction energy, even if you do not use the nuclear fusion energy utilizing such dangerous materials as uranium. However, before going to that point, now humankind is testing the use of the nuclear fusion energy with the very dangerous uranium.

Humankind is now learning whether its mentality will be able to go up to the junior high school level from the elemental school level.

Without the mind of that love, they could not join the Space Union. That is the fact from the science side.

(Channeled message from Kaitron : September 19, 2004)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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2. How to Use Nuclear Power / "Science and Faith" (Kaitron)

Now there have been serious religious struggles throughout the world.

However, though it looks as if it were caused by religion itself, is that really so? The actual reason lies in the problem of energy, doesn't it? They are necessitating the energy in order to maintain their civilization, and so they opposed each other in the name of religion.

So the energy is important and a key factor for them. The things that are now available are going to run out someday, and there is a danger that you will not to be able to manage the nuclear power well. But, do you understand why this kind of energy, nuclear energy has been given to the humankind now at this moment?

I found there is a specialist in attendance here, and that person may say that nuclear energy itself, on the one hand, can destroy the earth by its usage, and, on the other hand, provides an unlimited energy by its usage. Its usage itself is the mentality, which humankind has to go beyond as a test.

In Japan, atomic bombs have already been dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Now bombs which exceed those, such as H-bombs, hydrogen thermonuclear bombs, or the much more powerful ones like missiles, have been developed. How many times are they going to kill the entire earth?

With such minds, humankind might have to perish in advance in order to wait for the energy crisis.

By contrast, humankind who do not have the thought of utilizing those energy in a peaceful matter, giving thanks to God, making alive one another, forgiving one another, and serving to God of the cosmic origin, are not to go out to the space from the earth.

It has come to the point that they are perishing as a self-punishment.

There might have been coal, oil, and natural gas, and there have come out nuclear power plants, but by the consequence of it, they are producing a bomb, nuclear bomb. Looking over these situations, now what does this ask of humankind?

Either in the physical sense or daily political sense, the people are asked by God.

Are you going to use that nuclear energy as the alternative to oil and coal, in order to make our lives richer, to develop the civilization? Can you use the nuclear energy with the divinity of such minds?

Or, by making a bomb with it, are you going to destroy the earth, killing those who are not resistant and the children?

You are now being asked, "Which of the two are you going to take?" by God in the practical your lives too?

(Channeled message from Kaitron : September 19, 2004)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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1. Limitation of Modern Science / "Science and Faith" (Kaitron)

Everybody, how do you do? In your ages, I am known as Isaac Newton, and I was the person who came under the name of Kaitron.

Today, I come here now as the consciousness of Kaitron.

Since this person (Amarie) has been refusing me, and never called me, I have become the last person of the ninth dimension.

I have a very deep relation with this person by fate, so I have been watching her since her young age, feeling her a very cute little thing, always being close to her and talking with her. This didn't prompt her to be reminded that I myself am the existence called Kutfumi and also Newton.

Well, when I talk with her, I get rid of complicated topics because she can't understand them, and she is less able to recognize me as the science God and looks to be embarrassed.

But, of course, it is a fact that I am a person who has been guiding this science, humankind, and this civilization, in the Silver Ray. I would like to answer your questions of a while ago, and what you want to hear, one by one, as far as I can. However, there is no complicated mathematical frame in this person's language center, — it might make her angry — and it is not her favor also, therefore I would like to explain the problem of the faith and science hereafter and the problem of the Hell from my point view as a scientist, — well, I want to use the expression "Science God" — so from that point of view.

There might be such a situation in which you consider science and faith as completely different, and those who have a deep faith dislike scientific thinking, and the top class scientists are those who never accept faith at all.

However, the reason why I have come here as a consciousness of Kaitron is to show you the fact that in the star where I have been and among the scientists on that level of the star we had been encountering God based on an overwhelming faith. And while receiving the information of God, they are evolving and developing the star itself. In this sense, they are religious figures more than ordinary religious figures. First of all, I would like to tell you this matter.

Based on the thought of the materialism, science is being developed as something that will eventually override all faiths, religions, and human minds in its last stage as if it were all mighty in this civilization. But this shows the limitation of the present science.

In various senses, at the last session, gods repeatedly told you that a new age is coming to the earth hereafter in which you will encounter the cosmic religions and the cosmic civilization, and in the principles of the earthly religion this earth has to be developed. Unless it is to be encountered newly in the field of science, the problems which you are now considering, such as the energy problem, the problem of the dimensional shift, etc., have not been invented at all to make the shift up and move to the other celestial space.

That is, humankind at the present has discovered principles only from the laws within the earth in which they are living now, and discarding the Law of God absolutely. There is not much of an inclination among the scientists to receive and accept the divine providence that flowed in the grand universe, macrocosm, the law and truth reaching into everything that is flowing in the grand universe. This causes the limitation of the present science.

It is not only for science, but also for the artists. Or, even for the religious figures, these same problems are arising. Unless there is a direction or enlightenment so that one is going to encounter God in the true sense and within their own enlightenment, a new vision of science for the next generation, or art of the like, cannot be opened. The turning point for this has arrived.

(Channeled message from Kaitron : September 19, 2004)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

About Kaitron :

Born in England of seventeenth century as Isaac Newton in this civilization, he lived as a physicist, mathematician and astronomer.
He was known as one of the greatest scientists in the modern science, discovering the law of gravitation and advocating the mechanics, and leaving the indispensable achievement for the development of modern science.
In Atlantis civilization, he did a remarkable work by the name of Kuthumi, and founded the basis of scientific civilization.
In the heaven, his role is the ray of silver (science), and he is delegating in the mission of developing science and engineering.

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13. Aquarian Age Riding the Tailwind of the Spiritual Evolution / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Considering that, it will soon have to break out of this situation.

We cannot afford to wait for the change because the earth consciousness has been suffering as if it were really like cancer cells, and also the evolution and development as the earth people would be too small. As the big span of that purpose, as a big turning point in those, this time a big rescue plan has been brought down. For this purpose, many of ninth dimensions have come down and are sending you the messages exceptionally with all of our might of heaven.

Otherwise, if this civilization is simply one designed as a training opportunity and the next one may be descended when it fails, this civilization would have already been gone. This is a fact.

However, we have been establishing this civilization taking several thousands of years in order to evolve it to this stage. But coping with Atlantis, for example, we have been evolving and developing the earth, considering several ten of thousands of years within an enormously big rotation.

If we have missed this chance, it would be trouble for us all. In this flow of the age called the Aquarian Age, it is the precise time when we are riding the tailwind that will make a spiritual evolution in this particular vibration. Using this chance, we would like to shift up the dimension of the earth.

For that purpose, also in terms of the ideological meaning, we are asking you to perform the continuation of this plan, though it might be a very unreasonable demand; now we are going to pass it on to you. It is what is happening actually.

We have that which could be told only in our world, namely we cannot tell you, which would cause you to consider and suffer.

We are really sorry we ask you such an unreasonable matter. But, concerning this person, though we don't know how long she can continue this work, I would like her to fulfill the mission so as to serve as a communication tower to convey our word by the final moment.

This person has this kind of very special ability since she had been in Orion. In the time of Atlantis, I fulfilled the mission with this person. Therefore, I know what kind of power this person has. Though she is going to escape from her own mission without trusting herself, the heaven has decided she is the best person for this plan since she has exhibited the real power; that is why we descended the mission to this person. That is why this person is somewhat indulgent to herself, so I would like you to support and assist her to fulfill the mission.

That for which love is meant is unlimited. A thought of love sprung out in your mind, popped up in your mind. The thought of love as the children of God. It is coming out eternally and unlimitedly. It comes out only when you trust yourself.

When you negate yourself and escape from your own actuality, nothing comes out from you, capacity, skill, power of love, all of which God has given you.

If so, life occurs only once, that which you have lived the moment now is really once. In this moment now, committing your dignity and honor as the children of God, you have to live through this moment now, send the mind of love, shine bright, and you have to finish your life as a ray of light for this Lemuria, and come back to our world.

We are waiting for you all.

At that time, the ones of heaven will welcome you with applause.

Instead of obtaining wealth and property, or positions and honors on the ground, you are to live though a splendid life on the ground as the children of God, and are welcome to heaven with applause. If you think you are happy with this matter, I hope you to shine brightly your existence of love for the Lemuria, for ourselves, for the earth, for God, and for the children of God all over. I hope you will live through in those ways and come back to us.

Today, though it has been a little long, I have talked to you as Maitreya. My talk of the law might be a little different from Buddha.
Though, beyond the star, beyond the position, those who are entrusted with the law have been given the mission to convey the wish of God. The law I am preaching is, that is, the law Maitreya is preaching, is the same quality in its fundamentals as the law a person preaches as the Buddha El-Kantale consciousness.

In such a sense, if you continue to request it from now on, I would like to speak about the outline of the law about which I could speak.

I would like you to be acquainted and hope to call me here after. I am grateful for today. I would like to be leaving.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

About Maitreya:

Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.
He has never been born after that.
In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.
Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.


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12. Evil of the Good and Evil Is an Abuse of Freewill / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Now on this ground, there is good and evil in terms of dualism. Well, in that movie, "Star Wars," there has been described a fight between the dark side, and the good ones who are entrusted with the force of God, in terms of the dualism in Christian society.

Then, why does it push out the one side of the dualism? It is because the earth is still a being in that stage of undeveloped, in some sense, being a star of the elementary school level, so the dualism is being pushed through.

Looking over the grand universe, there has no longer any more dualism. As the ones of Japanese Shinto say, it is going to be only-the-light, light monism.
Darkness, the dark side, in such an undeveloped star lived by the humans of those who still have not been aware of the divinity as the children of God, appears as the shadow part caused from the abuse of freewill as the creativity given by God. So, the dark side only appears as the shadow part of those, and it would be only the mere small spot of tiny and tiny shadow part, compared with the grand law of love or energy of love shining throughout the grand universe.

In the stream of the grand universe, the magnificent melody of overwhelming light and love flowing, viewing from the overwhelming amount of love filled with the energy of love, such energy emitted from the ones being called the evil of good and evil would be only a little thing smaller than a single spot, which is such a figure in the grand universe.

Though, this situation is not only in the earth, but it is a fact that in other stars there are places which have those persons, if it is still being undeveloped. It exists as a stage of development. It is the abuse of a freewill.

God created the children of God resembling a figure of his own. If God had the energy to create the universe by himself, we would not have been given the power of creation by the freewill. To use it in a splendid direction, and also to go to the dark side like this and make energy of evil thought — these things have been given to us as part of the process of practice now.

So, in the lowness of the level of the earth, now, this kind of part like a shadow is being made by the freewill of humans so that which has been created by God is not the hell. I would like you to understand those kinds of matters.

Consequently, when this earth itself is being purified, and when it develops from the elementary school level to the junior high school level, to kill to each other does not makes use of the selves as consequence, to wish the happiness of others originally leads to ones own happiness eventually. If you truly understand those things, the part of dark side, hell, is going to disappear. Naturally, it is erased and vanishes.

This is moment we have been waiting for in the flow of eternal time from time immemorial.

Although we are very sorry for the figure of the earth consciousness, which is suffering, thinking, "Now it has been in the midst of learning of the earth people, the children of God, who are missing their way." We have been asking, "Please, would you persist for a while? Would you wait by the time they have learned and broken out of the mold?" and we are renting this place of the earth as a training place now. That is the fact. So, the earth consciousness has been suffering considerably.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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11. Divine Truth — That Which Is Spoken in Easy Words / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

The sin that has made enlightenment difficult and sophisticated may lie in us, the ones on leaders side. What the religion has been really aiming at is those figures, the many people who have been living happily even if they are small or weak and that which is called God has been guiding the ones on the ground, invoking religions in various ways.

Wishing to make thoroughly the children of God live happily. Wishing to make this star a blessed planet of love in the grand harmony by getting back to the original figure of the children of God. That which so you are wishing for is the way leading to God, and it is a step toward enlightenment. You are not to misunderstand this point.

That which ones step up the stairs of the enlightenment should not be misunderstood as if it were designed to raise your own position or status, or something difficult and sophisticated only for particular persons, or a figure of enlightenment for certain elites through ascetic practice, and the like.

Once someone only switches the mind, he can attain the state of enlightenment of a Bodhisattva in a single bound.

It is simple.

"Like you love yourself, love others," as Immanuel Jesus Christ told, you simply do it. In the mind of thinking, just think so. Only by it, you can get back to the figure of love as the children of God. That which is to be is so simple. It is not difficult at all.

I would like to tell you this once more as a person who holds the position in charge of the law.

I think, in some sense, Immanuel Jesus Christ taught the law of love of God with easy words, when he was descended in Nazareth, so that it could be understood by a prostitute or those who had no academic background.

It can be told in easy words.

That which is told in easy words is a divine truth.

Consider this. But now as Lemuria, the recompilation of the law has been performed as the settlement of a ground plan of the first and second phases, and as a settlement troop you have had a very hard time. There is certainly a great mission related to the recompilation of the law, the establishment of the message books, the establishment of idea, the descending the blueprint of the heaven down to the ground, and the transfer to the next generation.

If it has been done, then speak the law of God, at the fundamental level; at the easy level, speak it.

To tell that which is difficult in a difficult way is in some sense simple.

Condense that which is being raised to be difficult into simple words as understandable words to anybody, and bring out the essence of it. This might be where the most proficiency is needed.

And when the divine truth is conveyed by those easy words, you are able to rescue eighty percents of those on the ground who are the children of God being unable to understand the difficult things, compared with the twenty percent of those who are able to understand the difficult thing, as was told before.

Unless eighty percents of the all are not rescued, this earth cannot be a star of love. Those who are part of the eighty percent also are the children of God. To convey those people understandably is the mercy of God. Also the wish of God.

You have to understand what love is to be.

Now it comes to Lemuria, I would like you to understand it in such a way. In the sense El-Kantale brings down the eminence of law at its supremely highest peak of Buddhism; though that is the mission he has, he would have brought down such eminence in a very sophisticated one.

However, after that, he had entered into the unnecessary sophistication, and misplaced the way. Actually what was needed after the eminence is the broadness.

In order to push out for the missionary work to the general public, you have to enter into work that will condense that which is in the eminence of law into the true essence of love in easy words and getting the point, in the broadness, to convey the essence of love to many people in easy words.

It would come out as a mission of Lemuria a little later. It has come to that point.

In that time, many books will have been published, and many people take the book in hand, without any discomfort, and the spiritual message of the books and this God's speaking word are soaked into the people's mind. By such moment, it happens a spiritual message boom, that is, a situation is coming out that many people are saved like in chained reaction by the book of Lemuria.

Unless we have pushed out the difficult as difficult, we would be regarded as the medium of the street, so we have been talking the difficult to a certain degree. But, in my sense, the law is originally an easy one.

Once you received a message from Orion. There should have been a message from the mother of this person in Orion. Looking over it, her word is filled with love and tender. That figure. As she said, "Nothing difficult is necessary," and, "Express your essence and your love, and come back to us." I think she had been saying so as a mother.

That figure is only that which has to be told.

That which is told in the difficult and overly theoretical ways is never meant to be part of the evolution or related to a star of love of high level.

With the wish of love, with the sensitivity of love, in such splendid susceptibility, one is living embracing what is called love. One is living expressing in such a way. Such high quality of those, richness of the sensitivity is the figure of love of the ones in a highly evolved star.

If you think the value of love could not be raised and unable to make a planet of love unless all of you discuss sophisticated philosophical matters with a daunting and frowning face, and difficult words, that would be a big mistake. I would like to tell you as a person who is in charge of managing the law.

In the extreme form of the law, as a person managing the law, there have been the ones of highest wisdom of the age. There has been such a situation. I would like to say so.

In most people, however, the only thing they have to understand firmly is simply that they themselves need to be aware of being the children of God. The embodiment of love is not to be got as simply love affected by the personal preferences or sentiments; it should be got through sharing with others, wishing the happiness of others. The mind of love itself is the dignity of fundamental love, and it is the heart of God and God itself shining all over the universe.

To attain this is the own mission and your direction as the children of God, and to recognize that also is your concern.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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10. Sow a Seed of Love with a Wish of Selflessness / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

You have been told that Lemuria Renaissance doesn't dispatch something concrete. Therefore it is your work to explore these matters. You must not expect God to show the details.

There is a practice for each one of you, which should be done on the ground. Look for what you can do. That which is an individual practice is meant to be not merely words. Through your own lives, through your behaviors, only by expressing the love in your lives, you could be aware of the meaning of love. If the children of God are to be an expressive form of love, how are you going to express love in your behaviors and in your lives? How are you going to live?
What are you going to do? You have to device and dispatch something original. Though you are waiting for such matters as messages from God, it wouldn't be any use to your training at all.

That would be the same as such prayers as "Please remove this disease because I am suffering," or "Please remove my poverty because I am suffering."

As angels of light, you should be more and more strict with yourselves.

In that sense, we have descended an idea. In the idea, at this moment in the flow of time, if you understand what Lemuria has to do now, you must not escape from doing what you can do specifically through your own personality and profession, fixing your position one by one, and doing what has to be done, also keeping in mind that individually each one of you has the own personality and profession.

That which you think is your individual enlightenment. Escaping from that, there is no individual enlightenment for the children of God.

Among the Buddhist professionals, there might be a misunderstanding about enlightenment. They think it is to become an Arahant and Bodhisattva, practicing numerous trainings, ascetic practices, or reading a book of religious teachings, learning something sophisticated, then talking about love with only words, talking about the law with only words, about religion with only words, about God with only words. They believe these things are part of the training and enlightenment.

That is totally incorrect.

What is being asked of you is your enlightenment and the evolution of life in your ordinary life, in the daily life accumulated in the typical manner.

So, learn now firmly what has to be learned, then by the result of what has been made in the own life, the result of the training will come out, and this is requested of you as the height of the own enlightenment.

No matter how much he has learned, no matter how much he has said as if it looked important, no matter how much he has made a splendid religious sect and returned, nobody of heaven would commit it and no return would be given back to him, and only be despised from the ones around him, unless he is in a position to guide beings to feel the pain of others and give them love based on the quality of the deed and the behavior of the life.

Now, there have been ones who speak with only words. Those who are telling a pack of lies and guiding people are there. But, there is no reason to let them get angry. You can leave them as they are.

In the principle of cause and effect penetrating the universe all over, that which one has done comes back to him as becoming several hundreds times more. It exists as a law; there is no need you have to judge it. So other spirits should have talked about it. Since you are in such a law, you are the same. If you sow a seed of love, several hundreds more of love would be coming back to the own as a result. So what this means is to "be selfless."
Given up the reward, with a selfless wish, if you are going to sow a seed, even if you say I don't want it, it would be coming back to your own life as a hundred times more of happiness by the end of this life. You might have heard, "That guy has lived for God and people like that, but there hasn't been anything good in his life." Because you only consider the several ten years of this physical body, you may think there is nothing.

Those who have made efforts for the other people's happiness receive the splendid blessing and love, when they come back to the world on this side, beyond the life of this time, and also in the next life on the ground.. It would be coming back to the person. It is the law.

So, you don't need to think it would be wasteful or useless what you have done for the others very hard without being noticed. In its mind, with the selfless thought, commit your whole life to make others happy and share your own love among them. What the children of God have to be is a figure or an angel of light.

When each one of the earth people becomes an original figure of God from such a star, the killing of each other, slandering, trapping, or poverty and famine, a child dying owing to food shortage, the disease caused by ill thoughts being spread will end.

As a figure of grand harmony, this earth is being covered with love and going back to living under God, this earth would become a really happy Utopia of a realm of God, and people would be filled with happiness. As of this, it has been said enlightenment.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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9. Tricked by Satan Meant Ones on the Ground Have Not Learned / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

If it is so, how are you going to live on hereafter in this life of yours? And what kind of thought are we having against the Lucifel Satan? Concerning Lucifer Satan, we have been waiting for the day when that person is coming back. If he is being enlightened, aware and getting back, most of people on this ground would become aware and could come back. It could become such a star.

I don't know how long does it will take by that time. Though, doing what has to be done, with the eternal time of patience, we have been long waiting for a day when a man coming back who was ever called Lucifel, an angel of light before he was called Lucifer. In the flow of eternal time, we have been waiting to welcome him; when he comes back, all of us are going to embrace him; with this mindset, all ninth dimensions have been waiting.

That is the love of God.

By him, our plans have been broken time and time again. Even though it was not in this civilization, many disastrous things happened in Atlantis. Though, having gone thorough it, it would serve as a form of learning for the ones on the ground being tricked by Satan. Even if such tricks were made, if the ones on the ground had learned enough about how they are to live originally as the children of God, no matter how much trouble Satan has caused, it would have no meaning at all. It would be of no use.

But, put them in a difficult position, that which put the people in the traps one by one meant the ones on the ground have not learned enough about what is the will of God and what they have to do under God. That there are things we have not learned yet means we have not finished the learning on the ground yet.
Consequently, it results in not concealing Satan's movement. So it is.

So, looking over the figure of God, you are very irritated, and saying that there is no God or Buddha as if it were like the words of a curse. But please do not be defeated by the suffering. It has only been several ten years of life on the ground, and there is something that can be learned only through suffering.

Hearing the other day, a beautiful woman called Helen Keller came out. In that triple handicap, how much she has been suffering. Nothing could be heard, nothing could be seen, and nothing could be told. In such depth of dark loneliness where all the means of communication from the outside were shut off, she had made her divinity shine fully. It is possible to become bright as the child of God brilliantly even in such a body.

If it is so, how about you?

You are perfectly normal, and besides much more intelligent and civilized than others. And because also a mission has been told to you as a messenger of God, you can be in such a place like this and can hear our words every week.

So in that situation, you can make yourself brighten several ten times or hundreds times more than Helen Keller.

Instead of looking for an excuse for not being able to do, shaming yourself for being unable to do, I would like you to brighten yourself as much as possible in the life you have left over the next several ten years, in that physical body, and in the present environment. To choose that way. I think that would be a fruitful and splendid way to use the time for you who have gone to the ground this time.

If you make an excuse, you could find many reasons as possible for your excuse. But in the situation of this kind, those who can hear the words of our ninth dimensions, and understand and accept them honestly, are really no more than the few who have just been here.

Now, looking over from our world, if you are those who have rarely been in a happy environment, you have to make much of the transmigration of this time.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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8. Learning Love Is Being Patience / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

If you can understand by being given an answer, we will give you the answer any time. But if we give you answers like a textbook, can you really develop your ability?

Are you going to come to us and cooperate to make a star of God together, understanding really from the bottom of your heart?

It is not so. One cannot make any effort, and there is no meaning, unless one is persuaded and agrees from the bottom of the heart, no matter how well one knows the answer.

Therefore, God never judges the children of God based on the reason that they have made a mistake.

As a result of that mercy, eternal time has been given by God. In the flow of this eternal time, through the infinite repetition and the process of transmigrations, being hurt by themselves, worrying about by themselves, possessing various themes of the own lives, saying "People, the children of God, learn one by one. Learn firmly. Only what you have learned from the heart becomes your power of the spirit." So God incorporated the transmigration in the process of eternal spiritual practice.

So, in that flow, we must not become such a fool as to get timid, being afraid that one might make a mistake, or to be fighting each other claiming that only he is right. Although you are now in Lemuria thinking yourselves to be in a splendid right Devine Truth, you could not know what it has been in the past life. There is no person who had never made a mistake.

But it would be all right. Because you are humans. There are certainly various feelings and lots of complicated distress and anxiety that cannot be solved by the straightforward approach. But conversely by having such feelings, you could have learned what true love is to be and what true tenderness is to be, and through those experiences you could have leaned how to express true love to others. That is the figure of the children of God.

As a process, we have to accept this practice of this ground. If it is so, and if you are those who have a physical body on this ground, how can you live a time of less than 80 years? The consequences of those matters, each of you can choose by yourself.

It would be all right if you have left something in these times. There would be the next life. When you have left something you have to learn, you could learn the next only if you could come back to our world.

Though, if you could not have learned the all and wanted to be here by yourself even though kicking down the others, and if you sell your heart to the dark side, the place you are coming back to is not our world.

So, even if you have not finished the work, or even if there are various matters as a physical body or property, even if your parents are being killed, you are never to stop the honorable life of God directing to the love purely as the children of God.

Only when such a vector has been founded firmly, could you be developed as you want in the eternal flow of time, even if you are not hasty.

Instead of falling down, towards the source of light, you can keep going above to the source of light.

In the previous time, when El-Ranty came out, he told you that love is patience. We have been learning about this matter.

In order to educate humankind and make the earth be evolved to a star of love, that which you need to learn is that love is being patience.

So, when there is some suffering, ones on the ground are saying in their prayers, "God, would you please remove this bitter cup?" There are a lot of prayers of those kinds coming to us, though they are rather coming from their own desires.

But, if the bitter cup has been removed, would there be any growth and toughening in your lives? Would there be any chance for you of living the truly meaningful lives? Since we have been thinking so, even if we think we are willing to remove it at once, and even if we are willing to remove the diseases immediately, we would respond with silence and never remove those diseases.

Only by going through the diseases, there might be some significance in a life one cannot learn based on what he has planned. That means that if we considering the one who has planned the life, there are cases we must never take the diseases away from him.

There are persons who have planned to learn about love in the environment of poverty. If it is so, it is never the love of God to shed money from heaven easily. I would like to explain this matter from our point of view.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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7. Anakin Skywalker Is the Figure of Lucifer Satan Himself / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Let me say in passing that yesterday the members of the family of this person (Amarie) were watching "Star Wars" on TV. The kids were enjoying it and I was watching it by their side. In the movie, a person Anakin Skywalker had fallen down into the darkness, becoming Darth Vader. Watching the process, the kids of this family were talking very interestingly about the movie, but why he has to go down even in the case of such a person of such power. I think it is a work that provides a good picture of the process.

At that time, he has not fallen down into the darkness because of the bad guy from the beginning. It has been depicted that way in that movie.

After all, it might be because of anger about the fact that his mother has been killed, or wishing to guard his wife who might be killed and so he might want to possess some power. Of course there is the matter of the peace of the country in various senses, but, in his mind, that which is the most important lies in what way the figure of the living is walking as an original child of God, even if he is going to guard something.

Concerning the human mind given by God, in the minds given by God possessed by the humans on the ground, there is a teaching of "Ichinen- Sanzen — one will for three thousands." It means that the needle of a mind directs to heaven or it directs to hell. If it is a human being, the needle may direct here and there all day long.

Though, if one stakes his mission on his own life, to what place is he going to live while directing the needle to the honor of the children of God? To what place is he going to choose? Even though he thinks he wants to protect his loving children and wife, is it the true way of life when he is going to live as the children of God at last? Not to speak of the body on the ground.

The ones in the fighter line are never afraid of dying. Though most of them have gotten over up with those matters as if they are throwing away their own bodies, even for them it would be difficult to give up family affection after all.

Even though it is so, now in this moment when building a star of God, what has to be the priority as the children of God? For that, for the affection, we by no means must sell our high-minded divinity as the children of God to evil.

In order to learn it, the work (this movie) has been made.

By offering a message in such a sense, I think it is a very meaningful work.

This person had told you yesterday there is a Christian background in the movie. This person (Amarie) was talking also that man who is Anakin Skywalker looks like a figure of Lucifer Satan.

Why is it that Lucifer Satan is still causing distress to you now without being erased? I have been watching over you, but if there would have been a God, why has He made such a person run rampant? Why has He left as it is so that the grand plan of rescuing the children of God was broken up to twice? It is a fact that many forms of dissatisfaction were raised as angers from various places.

Of course, we have been watching this patiently.

Certainly it is. Even in K-group or in G-group, there have been many persons working for their lives who have been mislead by Satan and the like actually, and the rescue plans are broken one by one. "If there is God in heaven, if there are high spirits in heaven, why have such things been permitted? Please let us know it, God." So saying "I never believe in God any more," there have been many persons who have left and gone.

I understand their anger very well because of their seriousness.

But please understand, even such a being as Lucifer Satan, he will never fall down because he is a bad guy from the beginning.

Knowing the figure very well, Michael is desperately going to protect him, and even to him, wants him to get back to the original figure of an angel of light.
Thinking now in this moment, desperately with patience and with love, there is a figure of Michael who is going to do so desperately.

Looking over that person of Anakin Skywalker, it is really a figure of Lucifer itself.

He was called an angel of beauty and intellect. Beautiful, high-minded, and its will, and also in the splendor of its intelligence, he possessed the intelligence which might exceed that of the ninth dimensions. In its power, it is splendid and the figure owns a beauty like that of God.

As the consequence of the possession of the power, somehow it may be replaced by the desire to become God by himself. But in the beginning, at Be- Elda where he came from, he possessed a very splendid, high-minded will; as a messenger, he came to this earth to cooperate to make it a star of God with the honor of the consciousness of the children of God, and it is a fact he had been guided on this earth with many splendors. But, the process by which he was falling at that time is very similar to the situation drawn in the movie. He never fell in the darkness called the dark side because he is a bad guy.

There is a doubt if one is a human being.

Conversely, in family affection or in the sense of justice, or in something like that, the mind of the human is simply switched to a bad direction from the heart of God based on a really subtle cross-purpose.

If he has power, the reaction would be enormous when he was changed in a moment and seized by the one of underground. If he is going to get out of there, he couldn’t even move because of the magnitude of its reaction, and he would be completely caught.

We had been persuading them desperately and going to rescue them. But still it is impossible to do other than taking the time, he himself becomes aware of it only by experiencing the torment by himself, in the flow of eternal time.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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6. Really To Be Protected Is a Mark of Your Divinity and Honor as the Children of God / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

From the point of view of love, now you could not build even such love as the love between husband and wife, the love of neighbors, or the love to other countries, so your own family has become like hell, couples have been divorced, and infanticide is being rampant. Even in your own local community one doesn't mind to save an old person dying alone, and moreover one loves ones own country, but never loves another country.

As a consequence, in such biased view as of border consciousness and national consciousness, not to mention it but saying the own religion is the best, you are quarreling and killing each other; this means that the earth still remains in a barbarous stage.

In order to make a breakthrough there, first you have to get back under God, get back in the grand harmony as love. You have to really be aware of that love is sharing and helping one another, and that love is the will of God itself.

But for that, since you think the several ten years of a restricted physical body is everything, in some sense, you might have existed momentarily and made such an enormous misunderstanding that which retains no regret would be to desire everything while being alive or indulge in all the pleasures.

But if you could possess the ancient consciousness such as that of several hundred million years ago far beyond the flow of time, we can take the memory into the deep and deep consciousness of the scale of a thousands billion years.

Conversely, if you escape at the time, or even if you die or commit suicide and escape, it is not so easy to deal with being able to end that life at all.

Conversely, if the physical body ends and one can escape from that life, it would contrarily get back to oneself when coming back to the other world, experiencing there several times more suffering. In the principle of cause and effect, what one has done comes back to oneself, and with this result it would become a task which one has to take and go beyond by oneself.

Considering such a principle of cause and effect, what do you have to do while you having your body now?

Rather than speaking badly of somebody or thinking hatefully of somebody.

Though one might yield oneself to a mind that focuses on what is bad in order to protect something in the end, there is nothing to protect originally.

In case when a body is being killed, one has killed the opponent. It might be the extreme, but it would be all right if you may be killed.

Even if the body is lost, even if there is separation from your loved ones, it would be only a temporally separation. You must not become a murderer for that.

It is true that a physical body does not have the value so as to protect by hurting other people. Even so, it is not true that you could be killed easily by yourself.
Of course, you have to take good care of your body as an important ship, a body ship of spiritual practice with feelings of gratitude.

However, what has to be protected truly is your own dignity and the undefiled honor as the children of God.

If you understand it really, what are you going to do in this three dimensional world where you have been possessing a physical body? How are you going to use every moment? You can live by considering it.

There would be many of admirable stories like those about justice and protecting something such as a house, a mansion, an estate, or guarding the loving wife or children. However, I won't say there is no need for you to guard your wife and children; I really would like you to guard them actually, if you are a man. I think you have to do so, in the name of justice, you have to do so.
Nevertheless, that which is the most important is to make sure of what you are going to stake your life on as a mission of the children of God.

If you hurt others or possess a feeling of hate in order to protect your body, money, position, or occupation for that purpose, it would become a serious situation that cannot be undone.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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5. Love Is Sharing and Making Other’s Pain Your Own / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

More importantly, love is something to be shared and distributed among your brothers, fill with their own heart of love, and with the fundamentals and the basis of their own. Love is not to taken covetously, but to be given and shared. Love is a figure itself that wishes the happiness of your brothers as the children of God; it is a heart that has its own dignity, and a figure in which the heart is delighted as the children of God is love.

It would also be the way great God is delighted.

If it were so, you would be released from the bondage where you think you are going to possess more things in order to covet, even if you kill others. If you have more, you can give them to those who do not have any. You can share with them. If this had been done, there would not be ones who are starving and sad, and dying of poverty.

The earth is already producing that amount of goods, and God has given such goods. Since only a part of people occupy and hold these goods, there appear others who are starving and dying on the other hand. Somebody would have told so earlier, but if the sorrow of the others or ones own companions, can be made ones own sorrow instead, if there were a mind of love to think over, there would be sharing, cooperation, and a tender effort among all of us to help one another. Among those, there would never be ones who feel unhappiness, there would never be ones who are going to die of poverty, and as a result a figure of the will of God on the grand harmony would have shown a way leading to the splendid step for this star in that point.

Although you might think enlightenment is a difficult, sophisticated word, let me say, it is simply to get back to the breast of God. The breast of God is, well, something like the way to love it.

Love is, as I told you a while ago, sharing, making the pain of others your own pain. If you understand only these points and can actually practice them beyond the limits of knowledge, the earth would become a star of God, a utopia as it is.

At the time when you all have really understood this, unless you are reading a sophisticated sutra, training ascetic practice, or spending all one's time on training and training in those matters, all the people who are living in this earth could attain to a particular level of love, and this star would become a star of love all at once toward a star of God, namely, utopia.

So as only the intelligently superior people have been able to be enlightened toward God, making everything difficult and sophisticated, somehow the divine truth of this earth has turned into a very sophisticated matter. I have been considering the responsibility for this a little bit.

We do not need difficult matters. Stuffing only the difficult matters in a head, you have lost that which is the most important. The most important thing is what I have been talking about a while time ago. It is, looking over the universe, in many advanced stars, many ones have been keeping alive as they are based on love, with love expressing the heart of God, which is the very being of love.

To proceed, what you all can do is take hands one with another, help each other, and make use of others. If your own star has been harmonized, if your own family has been harmonized, then go to the other primitive star, and share love with the star too. To the other star, or to the other galaxy, in order to express the love of God, and attain to the level, go there to assist. You are going to have such a mind. To that extent, love is to be shared.

Never behaves for the purpose of sharing as if it were a duty or a quota.
Share with one another.
We would like to have many people know about this excitement of the love of God, even if it is small.

We will help them achieve this splendor.

Even if one has not been told to do so by anybody, one might go to a far-off planet several light-years a way since one wants to do this because of its own delight and as an exciting way of life. There one gives love, helps the evolution of the planet, and comes back. In such a sense, a star like our planet might be viewed as a very meddlesome star.

Though, love is basically such a thing.

If you were happy yourself, you would like to make an unhappy person happy. You would like to help make this happen. You are supposed to expect this.

These kinds of persons smile sweetly, being aware of their own mission as the children of God, with the brilliant smile, and when they are seen with a happy face, say, "Well, we have been living and were able to help one another; how happy we have been." In the gratitude as "God, I would be appreciate for having created us all," we are going to fulfill the own mission with gratitude.

When your star, oh it might be impolite to say "your" because I myself belong to the earth, but when this star has reached a particular level — it might be long and long ahead — well, you might be told to "Become the level of a junior high school", but this earth have evolved eventually to junior high school, high school, university, and then to the graduate school level. In that time, I think a group will be formed in this earth to train so that they may go to another planet and help with the evolution of that planet.

In such a time, now you exist and the earth is under a lot of assistance from the peoples of various planets. If the earth could have become able to repay their kindness and love by going to the other planet, and if it could have evolved in such a way, how happy the earth would be, and how happy we would be.
Dreaming of such a day coming, we have been holding out for the evolution of the earth now; this is the situation.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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4. We Are All the Children of God Possessing Eternal Life / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Being the children of God. Can you believe it? This is the first keyword of all.

Many of you might think humans are only the mere existence of a physical body, and there is no spirit at all, no spiritual world and when you die out you simply hit a dead end. In such a sense of value, people are tend to be driven by those things such as money and honor, or various orientation to the powers, or desire for a woman or someone of the opposite sex, and the like.

Accordingly, in the long and long flow of time, transmigrated so many times, what we are ourselves is the children of God. This point has to be given roots firmly in the minds of people with an easy word by you.

If there were such a long flow of time, even if one were killed rather than survive as a result of having done something bad this time, or even if one were killed and dead as a consequence of living in justice, God's justice, divine truth or the love, one would be much more shining and come back to our world and be given a much more splendid role. If you understand this, there wouldn't be any worthless struggles in order to protect ones own self aimlessly.

Of those matters, you all have to let the people understood firmly.

To all the people, with understandable words, you are going to teach it. Then, the troubles that occur in a certain percentage of the cases now in the world would be solved immediately.

Thinking that living on this ground is everything, many of the people are keeping a tight hold on their wealth and goods, and hence they are fighting against many others for those things, without any faith, operating on the basis of materialism — with material being almighty thought since you are thinking that the invisible God is nothing, nothing is all right. The basis of the fundamental thought is being destroyed by the poison of materialism. You have to break out of this part as the first step.

To go to the next age is meant to pour the principle of love into this materialism of science as almighty thought.

What is love?

Love is God, the figure of God itself, and that which makes people be aware that each of our fundamental figures is a part of the expressive form of love. First, Shinji Takahashi came to this Japan, and descended an important fundamental law in order to guide people, leading toward the establishment of a spiritual value from the current situation immersed in the materialism.

That is, in some sense, that which was told by Shinji Takahashi El-Ranty was the most origin of the origin. If it had been spread all over Japan and all over the world, the dark reality like now would have largely disappeared. But, by the reality that it has not been spread yet, people are still now struggling, opposing one another, and suffering.

So, speak of the fundamentals first. It is difficult for people to understand if you speak of the sophisticated things from the beginning. If you speak to many people without preparation about what you have understood just as it is, it would not be understood easily.

So in the first place speak of the following.
Spirit is eternal.

To die is not something to be feared at all.

Through the many lives on this ground, one learns, even if he makes mistakes, he is a human because of the mistakes.

God is loving you, including all your own faults, and so has this eternal life been given.

So the love of God, the compassion, is that which is deep and great.

By that great love of God, we are the children of God who are made alive.
You have to say to the people be aware of this point.
You have to say that we are made alive by the love of God in such an eternal flow, and we are the children of God possessing eternal life.

If this point can be recognized, the view of life of many people is going to change.

There is no need to be attached to goods uselessly. There is no need to be attached to an academic record, position, and to other desires for power or for possessing more than you need to become happy. Becoming aware of those things would be insignificant.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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3. Present Time Is an Important Moment Being Long-Awaited and Prepared / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

I would like to talk a little about what I am thinking, since I have been kindly called this time. Now in this planet earth, how have you been considered? The position of now, about this point, various spirits have come out and spoken to you all.

However, more than you realize, this current moment on this earth, this very point is infinitely valuable, and from the point of view of the entire universe, it is a very and very important moment to make a level up, which has been long awaited and prepared for. I would like to tell you this point once more.

From some point of time, God gave us eternal time in the flow of time.

Since you have owned a physical body, you tend to think that which you have loved on the ground for less than 100 years is all, and when you died everything has gone. You might think only in such a short span.

But it is not so.

Even if it is you who know about transmigrating, and our existence in that world, and that life is eternal when you go to heaven, how important is this moment for the earth, which it is facing in the overwhelmingly long, long time of chain that we have been walking together.

I think you might not understand the importance of the present time after all, even if you are the ones who have learned the divine truth. It might be unreasonable to say "understand," since it is quite common for all of you living in these three dimensions with your physical bodies.

Though, looking over the situation from heaven, for us who have been walking together for a long time, it becomes apparent that this has to be done at this moment of this earth; namely, what must be done is to descend down on the ground all of the law of cosmos and the secrecy of the heaven to be revealed as possible as we can, and teach the people the consciousness as the children of God, the eternity of a spirit, and God being love itself, energy of love itself, and law of love itself. To tune yourself to it is to be the original ways of life as the children of God, and by tuning to the energy of love of God, your own light as the children of God can truly shine. We have to talk about this matter repeatedly through many spirits and give it roots firmly in the mind of many people.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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2. Roles of the Ray of Seven Colors Are Not Absolute and Changeable / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

We ninth dimensions are ten in the ninth dimensional region now. As you know well, among those ten, colorings exist as Morya for red and Manu for green. For the white ray line, Immanuel is white, that is, the color of the white group line is white. Thus, all of us are grouped in colors. But, the situation is not one in which each of them has been invited to the earth based on its ray in the universe.

It is not so.

In the earth, there are the earth consciousnesses.

In order to create a planet earth, they throw out themselves as a training place for us by sacrificing the own. Those spirits who are beyond the ninth dimension are the tenth dimension. In opposite to that existence, there are the moon consciousnesses, and above, there are the great sun consciousnesses as branching out of the sun. A ray is coming down from the above world to the earth.

I am taking on the part of assisting El-Ranty and a role of separating the ray into seven colors by a prism. What is the light then? It is the will of God itself, and God is light itself. God is love and love is light.

The energy of love, which shines everything all over the grand universe and makes things alive, the light of love is descendent from above to this earth also. By that energy of love, earth consciousnesses are living as well as all the living things on the earth such as every plant, animal, and all of the life forms. It is true that they are living by obtaining the spiritual energy in it. The first stage of the prism, which is to separate that light, is that which El-Ranty and I have undertaken.

And in its separation of the light, seven colors of rays come out. It is a role or a mission of the light of God. Red has the role of red, yellow has the role of yellow, and green has the role of green.

By those roles, it is separated into seven colors in order to make alive this earth as a plentiful expressive form of the love of God, and to fulfill the mission,. More closely, it is not simply seven colors, but it has more variations as approximately ten colors for the light of God. But, it can be divided roughly into seven colors.

When those seven colors are going to split, we ten of the ninth dimension take in charge each of them. In accordance with each individual personality, we are taking upon the part of a guide, which we are the strongest.

Consequently, this time, that which has to be done is to establish a law in the earth as a law of the earth. It is El-Kantale also called Buddha Consciousness who has been in this earth the longest, and in the sense that he is in charge of establishing what is the law of the earth, he is taking charge of the golden ray.

And the one who teaches love is Immanuel. In your language, he is being called Jesus Christ, and he is still in charge of the ray of white now. And in the sense of talking about justice, Morya is the person who has power and a strong sense of justice, and that person is now in charge of red, having originally owned it, saying, "Well, I will take it."

Concerning green and blue, as expected, Zeus and Manu divide this part among each other or share the one ray together, each having their own individual field. So in that sense, if you ask whether this kind of changes ever occurs, the person who in charge of the ray changes at times when we take the long view.

If I shall be saying myself, of course I am being in the eligibility of taking charge of the law, so if I were told to "Take a golden ray," I am going to take the golden ray not surprisingly. Though, if how an original law of the earth is to be realized as a law of the earth were to be considered from the standpoint of the earth, I would think El-Kantale to be the most appropriate who has been in this planet from the beginning. So, although I am a person who takes charge of the law, I am performing the operation of the separation of light from the standpoint of El- Ranty's assistant.

So, if you think we are originally created as a ray of colored and only to fulfill a mission in that ray, it would be a little misunderstanding. God has given everybody individuality. A splendid capacity and skill which can be fulfilled only by that person is given either in us ten of ninth dimensions or even in each of you, and created by God as the children of God in this universe.

Therefore, I would be expecting from my heart each of you are going to explore your own color and your own individuality, and make shine your own light and ray of light. In that sense, if we say it in very simple language, it has been written in such a way in the "Law of the Sun," which you have read.

In the present history of the earth, we ten of the ninth dimensions happen to be in charge of the earth. So you may understand this matter.

Have I made myself clear?

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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1. Orion — Star of the Leader Class and Filled with Harmony and Love / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

How do you do? I am Maitreya.

For you all, this would be the first message of mine.

When I came here previously, it was really the beginning stage and Lemuria Renaissance was just going to start, and I think I spoke to this person Amarie about our mission at that time, and made her aware of her own roots. Also I talked about what kind of work I had done at the time of Atlantis with this person, and what kind of relationship it has to the present civilization.

As told just now, I am a person who came from Orion long ago with Manu, Kaitron, and this Amarie.

Our star is filled with extreme harmony, and also filled with love, and it is a star in which a grand harmony was established between art and human beings.
Were people to gather, there would certainly be troubles or problems of some sort; however, the wish of God is that it exist within the line of the star and the people's minds are basically united as one. It would be such a star.

In the star of this kind, it has been common that people live with God in their enlightenment, so there are a considerable number who are of the ninth dimension.

There is the role of the ninth dimension to guide a star itself, but when it comes to a planet like ours, there is another role which has been entrusted from God as a guide of the other stars, such as the earth during those ages, which are still undeveloped and being in the process of practicing to fulfill the mission of a star so that it starts from scratch and invokes a civilization. Orion is a star that has been entrusted with such a mission by God.

Therefore, we have been delegated the role of being leaders and educators to various stars. Accordingly, though Orion is a star that has already embodied beauty, it is a star which has been evolved in all of the matters exceedingly, that is, not only the sensitivity, but also it covers certainly the law and its comprehension, even in science, in art, and in its extreme of the law, or in the so-called morality of the law, that is, in the moral principle as the children of God. Even in those matters, it has been evolved.

So, when invited from the earth, from our part, I considered, in the sense that the earth has to develop science, I accompanied a person called Kaitron from the science division, who has been enlightened at the level of the ninth dimension, and also a person Manu who has been enlightened through art and sensitivity at the level of the ninth dimension. And in addition, I myself stand as a leader of the group in the plan of the grand immigration.

For me, there is the role of a messenger to comprehend and inform wherein the heart of God and the law of God lie. The role could be said to be like the position of Buddha of the earth in Orion. Looking over your consciousness, there might be a misunderstanding that Orion is only a planet in which art and sensitivity has become the most specialized by the popularity of Manu. Of course, it is true that through such ways of beauty and sensitivity the law is being expressed.

Sensing something through telepathy or something more than the ordinary person being is able to feel, one is going to catch what the wish of God is to be. It is a fact there are many of those who are superior in such an ability.

However, in the field of science, we have many of those who are considerably superior, or in the filed of law, which might be called the golden ray in the earth, that is, to learn the law, we have the level of enlightenment attained to its extreme. I would like to tell you it is Orion.

I am being in a role which now you call the golden ray in this planet, and I am here at all times with the intention of talking about what the law is, what the wish of God is, and what the way God wants is. And in the mission why I came from Orion, I always have a role as the part of an educator, or to guide by going to a new star. So, we cooperate with the star until it reaches a particular level, and gets back to Orion, or if invited to the other star, goes there to make the dimensional ascension accompanying the other group of leaders class. Such matters are the mission of our star.

Therefore, it is a fact that it is a star of the leader class.
Please consider it accordingly.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

About Maitreya:

Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.
He has never been born after that.
In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.
Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.

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10. Be Proud of Your Own Mission / "The Mission of Earth" (El-Ranty)

Originally these words should have been brought by El-Kantale, who has been watching over Earth longer than anybody else and nurturing Earth since time immemorial. Originally, this content that I have said is what El-Kantale should have told you, humankind.

He is the being who have been entrusted with this planet Earth previously more than me and engaged in guiding. However now, he has been told that he would refrain from sending that message for his situation; therefore I have come instead today.

Like this, the mission of the present Earth, the passage of the past Earth, and the position of Lemuria's project at this time in the passage that will lead to the coming future, about these matters, I have come to tell you at this time.

Having your basis in those facts, I would like you to remember all the time that we are standing behind you and are proud of your own mission with an undaunted attitude, without being discouraged and with patience.

Those who are blaming you are pitiful ones in a sense. They cannot understand our minds, and being seen from the viewpoint of our minds, they will have to come to us to receive all of what they did under the law of causality on their own.

In front of us, the good things that one did will return to oneself under the law of cause and effect too. However, about a loss brought about by what one did, he or she has to receive it by ones own self in front of us.

To avoid resulting in such an outcome, each one of you, mend your own life and do your best with all your might at each and every moment. I would like you to do so.

It is not us who blame you for your mistakes, blame others for their mistakes or judge them.

Your own self, your true nature of love as the children of God lying inside of you, sums up your life, things you have done, based on an outcome of whether things you have done were the deeds of love or not. Well, I suppose you know about this, but I would like to tell you this once more.

In your lives after this, such moments will also come over and over. About whether what you are doing now conforms to our views in the Heaven or not, I would like you to engage in a spiritual training from now on without forgetting it, even for an instant.

The reason I tell you about this is that from now on, to use your language, the scene is going to go over the seventh stage in the climb to the top. When going up to the seventh, and the eighth stage, if you have a waver as someone on God's errand, even for an instant, you cannot continue going up any more.

All the time, when you pause to think as ones who have listened to my words of this Aal-El-Ranty with your physical bodies, imagine the following questions whenever you are swayed by something. In front of me, El-Ranty, is what you are doing now nothing to be ashamed of? Can It be proudly reported or not?

Have you lived your life in such way or not? If you make a decision only by those criteria, things would be easy, I think.

Now you are listening to my words before my very eyes. About this, I also will remember. Then, this honor — it might be impolite to say that it is an honor for you — but there have never been such persons given a chance like this among those who have lived on the ground so far, not even one person.

We are coming down one after another, to speak these words to you now. Then, how should you spend your life? The words about this are not what I or the beings of heaven ought to say.

Under a situation like this, then how should one live one's life? Each of you, ask it to your own mind. And amid that, please exert the maximum effort.

I would like you to decide your own outcome and behavioral pattern by means of your life and fulfill the mission with all your might.

Now, have you any questions?

Well, I must be going now.
I do ask each of you to think this over.

(Channeled message from El-Ranty : July 2, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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9. Live with God / "The Mission of Earth" (El-Ranty)

This is the beginning of the cosmic age.

Is it for us to step up to this cosmic age, or will the force of light be defeated by the force of darkness in the flow of self-interested egoism and will we have to start once again from the beginning after all? This is the time when we are standing on such a dividing line.

It is not certain whether these spiritual messages, which you all have been making efforts to sow, will actually be able to initiate the advent of an age when the spiritual civilization of the next generation will be materialized by same desperate action and work of those of the next generation, or not. This will not be certain for us until it is tried.

Therefore, we will keep on bringing down the blueprint of our project to this Lemuria. We do bring this blueprint down, but it is not absolute. Please be sure to remember this. I am thinking to convey the basic direction gotten in our wishful thinking, within the range of your present ability to understand.

About this task of conveying the blueprint, because it is my, El-Ranty's, mission, therefore I have come here today thinking that I want to convey it to you directly by the person in charge of this project.

This is not brought down by other ones without reason and permission.

Listen. In the next age, as such time for the great leap of the spiritual civilization is to come, all the material structures will be changing at that time, and you will become able to communicate smoothly with the ones referred to as aliens in your words, so that you will build the new age with the help of their wisdom.

Originally, at the beginning when we came to Earth, it was already in such state. In the planet called Be-Elda where I had been, also in Orion where this person came over as mentioned repeatedly, those planets were already in such a state.

As a result, because of such desires, well actually, a certain amount of discord will be brought about since they also are humankind, though also being the children of God.

But nonetheless they are in the stage having already learned from every possible aspect about the fact that God is love.

And the losses in life will be small; just a few things will be lost in those frictions and conflicts such as a wasteful strife, a war, and a border.

So, everything in scientific civilization and art as well, including a variety of civilizations, cultures, and development has highly evolved.
In such a stage of societies, the Be-Elda and Orion already belong.

And then, since Orion is much higher and more purified, the people of the planets there, as I mentioned the other day, have a very light body materially. Such a fact lies as a possible course. Earth's becoming like Orion is the event in the far future and still by no means possible for the present, but for now, we convey these facts as the first step toward this.

For that, if everyone is going to be guided and united by love and harmony, and if they are to open their minds and go hand in hand so that they are all the children of God and can cope with understanding one another, then other ones, those ones in heaven, and the friends of the space can cooperate with these Earth people with every conceivable method in the next means. They are taking such positions.

However, because everyone cannot understand this point, first of all, it is indispensable that you have an attitude that understands about being the children of God, loving from the bottom of your heart and throwing away desire. Do you really understand? To bring people's minds together to build a heaven in the original meaning is impossible by any ideology, any governmental organization, or any governmental system.

In order to let you learn it, there has been a history of the past up to now. Ruling by force or by an absolute monarch was common in the Middle Ages and those who were called heroes brought about the Warring States period. There were times when some rulers reigned as if holding down the people by force. In such state, could people get to be truly happy? They cannot have been happy.

What has emerged after that, namely an absolute monarchy by force, has been the confrontation of ideologies. Through various ideological strivings, such as cruel communism, capitalism, and the like, some of which are still remaining, people have been establishing new structures. However, have people become truly happy only by a political structure in them?

After all, having been watching these ideologies, the dualism confrontation, and the pluralism confrontation from different angles, the human race cannot have felt happiness in there, in a political structure only. The history of humankind has been for learning everything about that. That is, it has been etching that on the souls of humankind.

Then after finishing such processes at that time, science, an advanced science, has made progress. People are extremely attracted to science for its convenience, and the views that a science is almighty and material substance is everything have been growing rapidly to occupy almost this entire twentieth century. As a result, a kind of the cult of science has developed in people's minds. Lastly, we send messages that people's minds are lost amid science and the overflowing materials, and that people's happiness does not exist in the outside, the material, a system in the outside, nor a view of ideology. Also, happiness for the people is to be found living together with God, and realizing the need to get back to the origin of the children of God.

And, when people forgive one another, share love with one another, go hand in hand, and reach the origin of the children of God, then war, poverty, quarreling with one another, ideological conflicts, a desire to rule people, all of those things will have already disappeared or melted away from the people's minds. And by going hand in hand with the minds of love, people will forgive one another and come to have the high awareness to build the earthly planet of love by all the people as the children of God and a high technology of the science. Then this planet will be able to become the planet of love where people can engage in spiritual training in the next stage matured to the maximum. Well, if the level of the way of thinking up to now were that of primary school, then after this could be said to be at least that of junior high school, based on all the history of what the human race has been learning so far.

In order that Earth is allowed to go out of the Earth's atmosphere to communicate with the friends, the people of other planets, the space, to come up at least to the level of junior high school is required and communicating with other people is banned without it. Such a law lies in the Law of Cosmos.

So, we want to make Earth the planet that reaches the level of junior high school at least, and it is in this sense that we have been guiding the people so that they can learn.

When science has developed, one loses sight of the mind. However, to become a mature planet that is a member of the universe requires learning about science also and is impossible without it. Such a state in which scientific civilization and its convenience are produced never lies in opposite side of the spiritual training of the children of God, but makes people have intellect, culture, love, justice, bravery, and the highest level of science to walk the paths to the children of God.

After this, there is waiting period at the level of a junior high school, and a high school above it. Above high school, there is university, and then graduate school. There are such wonderful, fabulous planets that are expressing supreme love on a far higher level as an expressive media of love, God, in order to express being the embodiment of love.

According to your sense, it is said to be a fixed star consciousness. There is a fixed star consciousness above the planetary consciousness. A planet is a place that is engaged in spiritual training, receiving the light, and love from a sun, to enrich the place.

A fixed star consciousness is such a being that embodies the love that makes the beings other than its own planets alive. This is done by providing all the other planets with the energy of love by pouring a love into the surroundings wholeheartedly. The means through which this occurs is based on the immense quantity of the heat of love as a torrent of love by own will, that is, as a star to embody a love.

Looking around the grand universe, a lot of these kinds of stars exist. It takes a long, long time to grow up to be such a fixed star consciousness.

But in the universe, in the level of evolution and development, there are a limitless number of stages limitlessly. When seeing it from that point of view, naturally planets below Earth exist.

But Earth will become able to move beyond the primary school's level at least and reach that of junior high school's level from the present level, so as to contact and communicate with friends in space and build the next spiritual civilization. Earth can become such a planet. We wish Earth to be like that, and, while holding on to these wishes, we, called Earth gods, have made this project at this time as the beings who have been nurturing and guiding Earth for a long, long time.

(Channeled message from El-Ranty : July 2, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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