I would like to talk a little about what I am thinking, since I have been kindly called this time. Now in this planet earth, how have you been considered? The position of now, about this point, various spirits have come out and spoken to you all.
However, more than you realize, this current moment on this earth, this very point is infinitely valuable, and from the point of view of the entire universe, it is a very and very important moment to make a level up, which has been long awaited and prepared for. I would like to tell you this point once more.
From some point of time, God gave us eternal time in the flow of time.
Since you have owned a physical body, you tend to think that which you have loved on the ground for less than 100 years is all, and when you died everything has gone. You might think only in such a short span.
But it is not so.
Even if it is you who know about transmigrating, and our existence in that world, and that life is eternal when you go to heaven, how important is this moment for the earth, which it is facing in the overwhelmingly long, long time of chain that we have been walking together.
I think you might not understand the importance of the present time after all, even if you are the ones who have learned the divine truth. It might be unreasonable to say "understand," since it is quite common for all of you living in these three dimensions with your physical bodies.
Though, looking over the situation from heaven, for us who have been walking together for a long time, it becomes apparent that this has to be done at this moment of this earth; namely, what must be done is to descend down on the ground all of the law of cosmos and the secrecy of the heaven to be revealed as possible as we can, and teach the people the consciousness as the children of God, the eternity of a spirit, and God being love itself, energy of love itself, and law of love itself. To tune yourself to it is to be the original ways of life as the children of God, and by tuning to the energy of love of God, your own light as the children of God can truly shine. We have to talk about this matter repeatedly through many spirits and give it roots firmly in the mind of many people.
(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
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