
10. Sow a Seed of Love with a Wish of Selflessness / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

You have been told that Lemuria Renaissance doesn't dispatch something concrete. Therefore it is your work to explore these matters. You must not expect God to show the details.

There is a practice for each one of you, which should be done on the ground. Look for what you can do. That which is an individual practice is meant to be not merely words. Through your own lives, through your behaviors, only by expressing the love in your lives, you could be aware of the meaning of love. If the children of God are to be an expressive form of love, how are you going to express love in your behaviors and in your lives? How are you going to live?
What are you going to do? You have to device and dispatch something original. Though you are waiting for such matters as messages from God, it wouldn't be any use to your training at all.

That would be the same as such prayers as "Please remove this disease because I am suffering," or "Please remove my poverty because I am suffering."

As angels of light, you should be more and more strict with yourselves.

In that sense, we have descended an idea. In the idea, at this moment in the flow of time, if you understand what Lemuria has to do now, you must not escape from doing what you can do specifically through your own personality and profession, fixing your position one by one, and doing what has to be done, also keeping in mind that individually each one of you has the own personality and profession.

That which you think is your individual enlightenment. Escaping from that, there is no individual enlightenment for the children of God.

Among the Buddhist professionals, there might be a misunderstanding about enlightenment. They think it is to become an Arahant and Bodhisattva, practicing numerous trainings, ascetic practices, or reading a book of religious teachings, learning something sophisticated, then talking about love with only words, talking about the law with only words, about religion with only words, about God with only words. They believe these things are part of the training and enlightenment.

That is totally incorrect.

What is being asked of you is your enlightenment and the evolution of life in your ordinary life, in the daily life accumulated in the typical manner.

So, learn now firmly what has to be learned, then by the result of what has been made in the own life, the result of the training will come out, and this is requested of you as the height of the own enlightenment.

No matter how much he has learned, no matter how much he has said as if it looked important, no matter how much he has made a splendid religious sect and returned, nobody of heaven would commit it and no return would be given back to him, and only be despised from the ones around him, unless he is in a position to guide beings to feel the pain of others and give them love based on the quality of the deed and the behavior of the life.

Now, there have been ones who speak with only words. Those who are telling a pack of lies and guiding people are there. But, there is no reason to let them get angry. You can leave them as they are.

In the principle of cause and effect penetrating the universe all over, that which one has done comes back to him as becoming several hundreds times more. It exists as a law; there is no need you have to judge it. So other spirits should have talked about it. Since you are in such a law, you are the same. If you sow a seed of love, several hundreds more of love would be coming back to the own as a result. So what this means is to "be selfless."
Given up the reward, with a selfless wish, if you are going to sow a seed, even if you say I don't want it, it would be coming back to your own life as a hundred times more of happiness by the end of this life. You might have heard, "That guy has lived for God and people like that, but there hasn't been anything good in his life." Because you only consider the several ten years of this physical body, you may think there is nothing.

Those who have made efforts for the other people's happiness receive the splendid blessing and love, when they come back to the world on this side, beyond the life of this time, and also in the next life on the ground.. It would be coming back to the person. It is the law.

So, you don't need to think it would be wasteful or useless what you have done for the others very hard without being noticed. In its mind, with the selfless thought, commit your whole life to make others happy and share your own love among them. What the children of God have to be is a figure or an angel of light.

When each one of the earth people becomes an original figure of God from such a star, the killing of each other, slandering, trapping, or poverty and famine, a child dying owing to food shortage, the disease caused by ill thoughts being spread will end.

As a figure of grand harmony, this earth is being covered with love and going back to living under God, this earth would become a really happy Utopia of a realm of God, and people would be filled with happiness. As of this, it has been said enlightenment.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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