
11. Divine Truth — That Which Is Spoken in Easy Words / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

The sin that has made enlightenment difficult and sophisticated may lie in us, the ones on leaders side. What the religion has been really aiming at is those figures, the many people who have been living happily even if they are small or weak and that which is called God has been guiding the ones on the ground, invoking religions in various ways.

Wishing to make thoroughly the children of God live happily. Wishing to make this star a blessed planet of love in the grand harmony by getting back to the original figure of the children of God. That which so you are wishing for is the way leading to God, and it is a step toward enlightenment. You are not to misunderstand this point.

That which ones step up the stairs of the enlightenment should not be misunderstood as if it were designed to raise your own position or status, or something difficult and sophisticated only for particular persons, or a figure of enlightenment for certain elites through ascetic practice, and the like.

Once someone only switches the mind, he can attain the state of enlightenment of a Bodhisattva in a single bound.

It is simple.

"Like you love yourself, love others," as Immanuel Jesus Christ told, you simply do it. In the mind of thinking, just think so. Only by it, you can get back to the figure of love as the children of God. That which is to be is so simple. It is not difficult at all.

I would like to tell you this once more as a person who holds the position in charge of the law.

I think, in some sense, Immanuel Jesus Christ taught the law of love of God with easy words, when he was descended in Nazareth, so that it could be understood by a prostitute or those who had no academic background.

It can be told in easy words.

That which is told in easy words is a divine truth.

Consider this. But now as Lemuria, the recompilation of the law has been performed as the settlement of a ground plan of the first and second phases, and as a settlement troop you have had a very hard time. There is certainly a great mission related to the recompilation of the law, the establishment of the message books, the establishment of idea, the descending the blueprint of the heaven down to the ground, and the transfer to the next generation.

If it has been done, then speak the law of God, at the fundamental level; at the easy level, speak it.

To tell that which is difficult in a difficult way is in some sense simple.

Condense that which is being raised to be difficult into simple words as understandable words to anybody, and bring out the essence of it. This might be where the most proficiency is needed.

And when the divine truth is conveyed by those easy words, you are able to rescue eighty percents of those on the ground who are the children of God being unable to understand the difficult things, compared with the twenty percent of those who are able to understand the difficult thing, as was told before.

Unless eighty percents of the all are not rescued, this earth cannot be a star of love. Those who are part of the eighty percent also are the children of God. To convey those people understandably is the mercy of God. Also the wish of God.

You have to understand what love is to be.

Now it comes to Lemuria, I would like you to understand it in such a way. In the sense El-Kantale brings down the eminence of law at its supremely highest peak of Buddhism; though that is the mission he has, he would have brought down such eminence in a very sophisticated one.

However, after that, he had entered into the unnecessary sophistication, and misplaced the way. Actually what was needed after the eminence is the broadness.

In order to push out for the missionary work to the general public, you have to enter into work that will condense that which is in the eminence of law into the true essence of love in easy words and getting the point, in the broadness, to convey the essence of love to many people in easy words.

It would come out as a mission of Lemuria a little later. It has come to that point.

In that time, many books will have been published, and many people take the book in hand, without any discomfort, and the spiritual message of the books and this God's speaking word are soaked into the people's mind. By such moment, it happens a spiritual message boom, that is, a situation is coming out that many people are saved like in chained reaction by the book of Lemuria.

Unless we have pushed out the difficult as difficult, we would be regarded as the medium of the street, so we have been talking the difficult to a certain degree. But, in my sense, the law is originally an easy one.

Once you received a message from Orion. There should have been a message from the mother of this person in Orion. Looking over it, her word is filled with love and tender. That figure. As she said, "Nothing difficult is necessary," and, "Express your essence and your love, and come back to us." I think she had been saying so as a mother.

That figure is only that which has to be told.

That which is told in the difficult and overly theoretical ways is never meant to be part of the evolution or related to a star of love of high level.

With the wish of love, with the sensitivity of love, in such splendid susceptibility, one is living embracing what is called love. One is living expressing in such a way. Such high quality of those, richness of the sensitivity is the figure of love of the ones in a highly evolved star.

If you think the value of love could not be raised and unable to make a planet of love unless all of you discuss sophisticated philosophical matters with a daunting and frowning face, and difficult words, that would be a big mistake. I would like to tell you as a person who is in charge of managing the law.

In the extreme form of the law, as a person managing the law, there have been the ones of highest wisdom of the age. There has been such a situation. I would like to say so.

In most people, however, the only thing they have to understand firmly is simply that they themselves need to be aware of being the children of God. The embodiment of love is not to be got as simply love affected by the personal preferences or sentiments; it should be got through sharing with others, wishing the happiness of others. The mind of love itself is the dignity of fundamental love, and it is the heart of God and God itself shining all over the universe.

To attain this is the own mission and your direction as the children of God, and to recognize that also is your concern.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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