
13. Aquarian Age Riding the Tailwind of the Spiritual Evolution / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Considering that, it will soon have to break out of this situation.

We cannot afford to wait for the change because the earth consciousness has been suffering as if it were really like cancer cells, and also the evolution and development as the earth people would be too small. As the big span of that purpose, as a big turning point in those, this time a big rescue plan has been brought down. For this purpose, many of ninth dimensions have come down and are sending you the messages exceptionally with all of our might of heaven.

Otherwise, if this civilization is simply one designed as a training opportunity and the next one may be descended when it fails, this civilization would have already been gone. This is a fact.

However, we have been establishing this civilization taking several thousands of years in order to evolve it to this stage. But coping with Atlantis, for example, we have been evolving and developing the earth, considering several ten of thousands of years within an enormously big rotation.

If we have missed this chance, it would be trouble for us all. In this flow of the age called the Aquarian Age, it is the precise time when we are riding the tailwind that will make a spiritual evolution in this particular vibration. Using this chance, we would like to shift up the dimension of the earth.

For that purpose, also in terms of the ideological meaning, we are asking you to perform the continuation of this plan, though it might be a very unreasonable demand; now we are going to pass it on to you. It is what is happening actually.

We have that which could be told only in our world, namely we cannot tell you, which would cause you to consider and suffer.

We are really sorry we ask you such an unreasonable matter. But, concerning this person, though we don't know how long she can continue this work, I would like her to fulfill the mission so as to serve as a communication tower to convey our word by the final moment.

This person has this kind of very special ability since she had been in Orion. In the time of Atlantis, I fulfilled the mission with this person. Therefore, I know what kind of power this person has. Though she is going to escape from her own mission without trusting herself, the heaven has decided she is the best person for this plan since she has exhibited the real power; that is why we descended the mission to this person. That is why this person is somewhat indulgent to herself, so I would like you to support and assist her to fulfill the mission.

That for which love is meant is unlimited. A thought of love sprung out in your mind, popped up in your mind. The thought of love as the children of God. It is coming out eternally and unlimitedly. It comes out only when you trust yourself.

When you negate yourself and escape from your own actuality, nothing comes out from you, capacity, skill, power of love, all of which God has given you.

If so, life occurs only once, that which you have lived the moment now is really once. In this moment now, committing your dignity and honor as the children of God, you have to live through this moment now, send the mind of love, shine bright, and you have to finish your life as a ray of light for this Lemuria, and come back to our world.

We are waiting for you all.

At that time, the ones of heaven will welcome you with applause.

Instead of obtaining wealth and property, or positions and honors on the ground, you are to live though a splendid life on the ground as the children of God, and are welcome to heaven with applause. If you think you are happy with this matter, I hope you to shine brightly your existence of love for the Lemuria, for ourselves, for the earth, for God, and for the children of God all over. I hope you will live through in those ways and come back to us.

Today, though it has been a little long, I have talked to you as Maitreya. My talk of the law might be a little different from Buddha.
Though, beyond the star, beyond the position, those who are entrusted with the law have been given the mission to convey the wish of God. The law I am preaching is, that is, the law Maitreya is preaching, is the same quality in its fundamentals as the law a person preaches as the Buddha El-Kantale consciousness.

In such a sense, if you continue to request it from now on, I would like to speak about the outline of the law about which I could speak.

I would like you to be acquainted and hope to call me here after. I am grateful for today. I would like to be leaving.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

About Maitreya:

Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.
He has never been born after that.
In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.
Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.


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