
4. We Are All the Children of God Possessing Eternal Life / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)

Being the children of God. Can you believe it? This is the first keyword of all.

Many of you might think humans are only the mere existence of a physical body, and there is no spirit at all, no spiritual world and when you die out you simply hit a dead end. In such a sense of value, people are tend to be driven by those things such as money and honor, or various orientation to the powers, or desire for a woman or someone of the opposite sex, and the like.

Accordingly, in the long and long flow of time, transmigrated so many times, what we are ourselves is the children of God. This point has to be given roots firmly in the minds of people with an easy word by you.

If there were such a long flow of time, even if one were killed rather than survive as a result of having done something bad this time, or even if one were killed and dead as a consequence of living in justice, God's justice, divine truth or the love, one would be much more shining and come back to our world and be given a much more splendid role. If you understand this, there wouldn't be any worthless struggles in order to protect ones own self aimlessly.

Of those matters, you all have to let the people understood firmly.

To all the people, with understandable words, you are going to teach it. Then, the troubles that occur in a certain percentage of the cases now in the world would be solved immediately.

Thinking that living on this ground is everything, many of the people are keeping a tight hold on their wealth and goods, and hence they are fighting against many others for those things, without any faith, operating on the basis of materialism — with material being almighty thought since you are thinking that the invisible God is nothing, nothing is all right. The basis of the fundamental thought is being destroyed by the poison of materialism. You have to break out of this part as the first step.

To go to the next age is meant to pour the principle of love into this materialism of science as almighty thought.

What is love?

Love is God, the figure of God itself, and that which makes people be aware that each of our fundamental figures is a part of the expressive form of love. First, Shinji Takahashi came to this Japan, and descended an important fundamental law in order to guide people, leading toward the establishment of a spiritual value from the current situation immersed in the materialism.

That is, in some sense, that which was told by Shinji Takahashi El-Ranty was the most origin of the origin. If it had been spread all over Japan and all over the world, the dark reality like now would have largely disappeared. But, by the reality that it has not been spread yet, people are still now struggling, opposing one another, and suffering.

So, speak of the fundamentals first. It is difficult for people to understand if you speak of the sophisticated things from the beginning. If you speak to many people without preparation about what you have understood just as it is, it would not be understood easily.

So in the first place speak of the following.
Spirit is eternal.

To die is not something to be feared at all.

Through the many lives on this ground, one learns, even if he makes mistakes, he is a human because of the mistakes.

God is loving you, including all your own faults, and so has this eternal life been given.

So the love of God, the compassion, is that which is deep and great.

By that great love of God, we are the children of God who are made alive.
You have to say to the people be aware of this point.
You have to say that we are made alive by the love of God in such an eternal flow, and we are the children of God possessing eternal life.

If this point can be recognized, the view of life of many people is going to change.

There is no need to be attached to goods uselessly. There is no need to be attached to an academic record, position, and to other desires for power or for possessing more than you need to become happy. Becoming aware of those things would be insignificant.

(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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