This blog introduce many messages of salvation for all humankind which was given by Amarie, a Japanese channeler. They are about many love and light messages by Higher spirits at celestial world, amazing plan of salvation for the earth and various fields which are very curious contents.
1. Limitation of Modern Science / "Science and Faith" (Kaitron)
Everybody, how do you do? In your ages, I am known as Isaac Newton, and I was the person who came under the name of Kaitron.
Today, I come here now as the consciousness of Kaitron.
Since this person (Amarie) has been refusing me, and never called me, I have become the last person of the ninth dimension.
I have a very deep relation with this person by fate, so I have been watching her since her young age, feeling her a very cute little thing, always being close to her and talking with her. This didn't prompt her to be reminded that I myself am the existence called Kutfumi and also Newton.
Well, when I talk with her, I get rid of complicated topics because she can't understand them, and she is less able to recognize me as the science God and looks to be embarrassed.
But, of course, it is a fact that I am a person who has been guiding this science, humankind, and this civilization, in the Silver Ray. I would like to answer your questions of a while ago, and what you want to hear, one by one, as far as I can. However, there is no complicated mathematical frame in this person's language center, — it might make her angry — and it is not her favor also, therefore I would like to explain the problem of the faith and science hereafter and the problem of the Hell from my point view as a scientist, — well, I want to use the expression "Science God" — so from that point of view.
There might be such a situation in which you consider science and faith as completely different, and those who have a deep faith dislike scientific thinking, and the top class scientists are those who never accept faith at all.
However, the reason why I have come here as a consciousness of Kaitron is to show you the fact that in the star where I have been and among the scientists on that level of the star we had been encountering God based on an overwhelming faith. And while receiving the information of God, they are evolving and developing the star itself. In this sense, they are religious figures more than ordinary religious figures. First of all, I would like to tell you this matter.
Based on the thought of the materialism, science is being developed as something that will eventually override all faiths, religions, and human minds in its last stage as if it were all mighty in this civilization. But this shows the limitation of the present science.
In various senses, at the last session, gods repeatedly told you that a new age is coming to the earth hereafter in which you will encounter the cosmic religions and the cosmic civilization, and in the principles of the earthly religion this earth has to be developed. Unless it is to be encountered newly in the field of science, the problems which you are now considering, such as the energy problem, the problem of the dimensional shift, etc., have not been invented at all to make the shift up and move to the other celestial space.
That is, humankind at the present has discovered principles only from the laws within the earth in which they are living now, and discarding the Law of God absolutely. There is not much of an inclination among the scientists to receive and accept the divine providence that flowed in the grand universe, macrocosm, the law and truth reaching into everything that is flowing in the grand universe. This causes the limitation of the present science.
It is not only for science, but also for the artists. Or, even for the religious figures, these same problems are arising. Unless there is a direction or enlightenment so that one is going to encounter God in the true sense and within their own enlightenment, a new vision of science for the next generation, or art of the like, cannot be opened. The turning point for this has arrived.
(Channeled message from Kaitron : September 19, 2004)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
About Kaitron :
Born in England of seventeenth century as Isaac Newton in this civilization, he lived as a physicist, mathematician and astronomer.
He was known as one of the greatest scientists in the modern science, discovering the law of gravitation and advocating the mechanics, and leaving the indispensable achievement for the development of modern science.
In Atlantis civilization, he did a remarkable work by the name of Kuthumi, and founded the basis of scientific civilization.
In the heaven, his role is the ray of silver (science), and he is delegating in the mission of developing science and engineering.
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