It would also be the way great God is delighted.
If it were so, you would be released from the bondage where you think you are going to possess more things in order to covet, even if you kill others. If you have more, you can give them to those who do not have any. You can share with them. If this had been done, there would not be ones who are starving and sad, and dying of poverty.
The earth is already producing that amount of goods, and God has given such goods. Since only a part of people occupy and hold these goods, there appear others who are starving and dying on the other hand. Somebody would have told so earlier, but if the sorrow of the others or ones own companions, can be made ones own sorrow instead, if there were a mind of love to think over, there would be sharing, cooperation, and a tender effort among all of us to help one another. Among those, there would never be ones who feel unhappiness, there would never be ones who are going to die of poverty, and as a result a figure of the will of God on the grand harmony would have shown a way leading to the splendid step for this star in that point.
Although you might think enlightenment is a difficult, sophisticated word, let me say, it is simply to get back to the breast of God. The breast of God is, well, something like the way to love it.
Love is, as I told you a while ago, sharing, making the pain of others your own pain. If you understand only these points and can actually practice them beyond the limits of knowledge, the earth would become a star of God, a utopia as it is.
At the time when you all have really understood this, unless you are reading a sophisticated sutra, training ascetic practice, or spending all one's time on training and training in those matters, all the people who are living in this earth could attain to a particular level of love, and this star would become a star of love all at once toward a star of God, namely, utopia.
So as only the intelligently superior people have been able to be enlightened toward God, making everything difficult and sophisticated, somehow the divine truth of this earth has turned into a very sophisticated matter. I have been considering the responsibility for this a little bit.
We do not need difficult matters. Stuffing only the difficult matters in a head, you have lost that which is the most important. The most important thing is what I have been talking about a while time ago. It is, looking over the universe, in many advanced stars, many ones have been keeping alive as they are based on love, with love expressing the heart of God, which is the very being of love.
To proceed, what you all can do is take hands one with another, help each other, and make use of others. If your own star has been harmonized, if your own family has been harmonized, then go to the other primitive star, and share love with the star too. To the other star, or to the other galaxy, in order to express the love of God, and attain to the level, go there to assist. You are going to have such a mind. To that extent, love is to be shared.
Never behaves for the purpose of sharing as if it were a duty or a quota.
Share with one another.
We would like to have many people know about this excitement of the love of God, even if it is small.
We will help them achieve this splendor.
Even if one has not been told to do so by anybody, one might go to a far-off planet several light-years a way since one wants to do this because of its own delight and as an exciting way of life. There one gives love, helps the evolution of the planet, and comes back. In such a sense, a star like our planet might be viewed as a very meddlesome star.
Though, love is basically such a thing.
If you were happy yourself, you would like to make an unhappy person happy. You would like to help make this happen. You are supposed to expect this.
These kinds of persons smile sweetly, being aware of their own mission as the children of God, with the brilliant smile, and when they are seen with a happy face, say, "Well, we have been living and were able to help one another; how happy we have been." In the gratitude as "God, I would be appreciate for having created us all," we are going to fulfill the own mission with gratitude.
When your star, oh it might be impolite to say "your" because I myself belong to the earth, but when this star has reached a particular level — it might be long and long ahead — well, you might be told to "Become the level of a junior high school", but this earth have evolved eventually to junior high school, high school, university, and then to the graduate school level. In that time, I think a group will be formed in this earth to train so that they may go to another planet and help with the evolution of that planet.
In such a time, now you exist and the earth is under a lot of assistance from the peoples of various planets. If the earth could have become able to repay their kindness and love by going to the other planet, and if it could have evolved in such a way, how happy the earth would be, and how happy we would be.
Dreaming of such a day coming, we have been holding out for the evolution of the earth now; this is the situation.
(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
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