How do you do? I am Maitreya.
For you all, this would be the first message of mine.
When I came here previously, it was really the beginning stage and Lemuria Renaissance was just going to start, and I think I spoke to this person Amarie about our mission at that time, and made her aware of her own roots. Also I talked about what kind of work I had done at the time of Atlantis with this person, and what kind of relationship it has to the present civilization.
As told just now, I am a person who came from Orion long ago with Manu, Kaitron, and this Amarie.
Our star is filled with extreme harmony, and also filled with love, and it is a star in which a grand harmony was established between art and human beings.
Were people to gather, there would certainly be troubles or problems of some sort; however, the wish of God is that it exist within the line of the star and the people's minds are basically united as one. It would be such a star.
In the star of this kind, it has been common that people live with God in their enlightenment, so there are a considerable number who are of the ninth dimension.
There is the role of the ninth dimension to guide a star itself, but when it comes to a planet like ours, there is another role which has been entrusted from God as a guide of the other stars, such as the earth during those ages, which are still undeveloped and being in the process of practicing to fulfill the mission of a star so that it starts from scratch and invokes a civilization. Orion is a star that has been entrusted with such a mission by God.
Therefore, we have been delegated the role of being leaders and educators to various stars. Accordingly, though Orion is a star that has already embodied beauty, it is a star which has been evolved in all of the matters exceedingly, that is, not only the sensitivity, but also it covers certainly the law and its comprehension, even in science, in art, and in its extreme of the law, or in the so-called morality of the law, that is, in the moral principle as the children of God. Even in those matters, it has been evolved.
So, when invited from the earth, from our part, I considered, in the sense that the earth has to develop science, I accompanied a person called Kaitron from the science division, who has been enlightened at the level of the ninth dimension, and also a person Manu who has been enlightened through art and sensitivity at the level of the ninth dimension. And in addition, I myself stand as a leader of the group in the plan of the grand immigration.
For me, there is the role of a messenger to comprehend and inform wherein the heart of God and the law of God lie. The role could be said to be like the position of Buddha of the earth in Orion. Looking over your consciousness, there might be a misunderstanding that Orion is only a planet in which art and sensitivity has become the most specialized by the popularity of Manu. Of course, it is true that through such ways of beauty and sensitivity the law is being expressed.
Sensing something through telepathy or something more than the ordinary person being is able to feel, one is going to catch what the wish of God is to be. It is a fact there are many of those who are superior in such an ability.
However, in the field of science, we have many of those who are considerably superior, or in the filed of law, which might be called the golden ray in the earth, that is, to learn the law, we have the level of enlightenment attained to its extreme. I would like to tell you it is Orion.
I am being in a role which now you call the golden ray in this planet, and I am here at all times with the intention of talking about what the law is, what the wish of God is, and what the way God wants is. And in the mission why I came from Orion, I always have a role as the part of an educator, or to guide by going to a new star. So, we cooperate with the star until it reaches a particular level, and gets back to Orion, or if invited to the other star, goes there to make the dimensional ascension accompanying the other group of leaders class. Such matters are the mission of our star.
Therefore, it is a fact that it is a star of the leader class.
Please consider it accordingly.
(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
About Maitreya:
Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.
He has never been born after that.
In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.
Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.
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