This blog introduce many messages of salvation for all humankind which was given by Amarie, a Japanese channeler. They are about many love and light messages by Higher spirits at celestial world, amazing plan of salvation for the earth and various fields which are very curious contents.
8. Learning Love Is Being Patience / "Spirit of Eternal" (Maitreya)
If you can understand by being given an answer, we will give you the answer any time. But if we give you answers like a textbook, can you really develop your ability?
Are you going to come to us and cooperate to make a star of God together, understanding really from the bottom of your heart?
It is not so. One cannot make any effort, and there is no meaning, unless one is persuaded and agrees from the bottom of the heart, no matter how well one knows the answer.
Therefore, God never judges the children of God based on the reason that they have made a mistake.
As a result of that mercy, eternal time has been given by God. In the flow of this eternal time, through the infinite repetition and the process of transmigrations, being hurt by themselves, worrying about by themselves, possessing various themes of the own lives, saying "People, the children of God, learn one by one. Learn firmly. Only what you have learned from the heart becomes your power of the spirit." So God incorporated the transmigration in the process of eternal spiritual practice.
So, in that flow, we must not become such a fool as to get timid, being afraid that one might make a mistake, or to be fighting each other claiming that only he is right. Although you are now in Lemuria thinking yourselves to be in a splendid right Devine Truth, you could not know what it has been in the past life. There is no person who had never made a mistake.
But it would be all right. Because you are humans. There are certainly various feelings and lots of complicated distress and anxiety that cannot be solved by the straightforward approach. But conversely by having such feelings, you could have learned what true love is to be and what true tenderness is to be, and through those experiences you could have leaned how to express true love to others. That is the figure of the children of God.
As a process, we have to accept this practice of this ground. If it is so, and if you are those who have a physical body on this ground, how can you live a time of less than 80 years? The consequences of those matters, each of you can choose by yourself.
It would be all right if you have left something in these times. There would be the next life. When you have left something you have to learn, you could learn the next only if you could come back to our world.
Though, if you could not have learned the all and wanted to be here by yourself even though kicking down the others, and if you sell your heart to the dark side, the place you are coming back to is not our world.
So, even if you have not finished the work, or even if there are various matters as a physical body or property, even if your parents are being killed, you are never to stop the honorable life of God directing to the love purely as the children of God.
Only when such a vector has been founded firmly, could you be developed as you want in the eternal flow of time, even if you are not hasty.
Instead of falling down, towards the source of light, you can keep going above to the source of light.
In the previous time, when El-Ranty came out, he told you that love is patience. We have been learning about this matter.
In order to educate humankind and make the earth be evolved to a star of love, that which you need to learn is that love is being patience.
So, when there is some suffering, ones on the ground are saying in their prayers, "God, would you please remove this bitter cup?" There are a lot of prayers of those kinds coming to us, though they are rather coming from their own desires.
But, if the bitter cup has been removed, would there be any growth and toughening in your lives? Would there be any chance for you of living the truly meaningful lives? Since we have been thinking so, even if we think we are willing to remove it at once, and even if we are willing to remove the diseases immediately, we would respond with silence and never remove those diseases.
Only by going through the diseases, there might be some significance in a life one cannot learn based on what he has planned. That means that if we considering the one who has planned the life, there are cases we must never take the diseases away from him.
There are persons who have planned to learn about love in the environment of poverty. If it is so, it is never the love of God to shed money from heaven easily. I would like to explain this matter from our point of view.
(Channeled message from Maitreya : July 9, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
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