
2. How to Use Nuclear Power / "Science and Faith" (Kaitron)

Now there have been serious religious struggles throughout the world.

However, though it looks as if it were caused by religion itself, is that really so? The actual reason lies in the problem of energy, doesn't it? They are necessitating the energy in order to maintain their civilization, and so they opposed each other in the name of religion.

So the energy is important and a key factor for them. The things that are now available are going to run out someday, and there is a danger that you will not to be able to manage the nuclear power well. But, do you understand why this kind of energy, nuclear energy has been given to the humankind now at this moment?

I found there is a specialist in attendance here, and that person may say that nuclear energy itself, on the one hand, can destroy the earth by its usage, and, on the other hand, provides an unlimited energy by its usage. Its usage itself is the mentality, which humankind has to go beyond as a test.

In Japan, atomic bombs have already been dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Now bombs which exceed those, such as H-bombs, hydrogen thermonuclear bombs, or the much more powerful ones like missiles, have been developed. How many times are they going to kill the entire earth?

With such minds, humankind might have to perish in advance in order to wait for the energy crisis.

By contrast, humankind who do not have the thought of utilizing those energy in a peaceful matter, giving thanks to God, making alive one another, forgiving one another, and serving to God of the cosmic origin, are not to go out to the space from the earth.

It has come to the point that they are perishing as a self-punishment.

There might have been coal, oil, and natural gas, and there have come out nuclear power plants, but by the consequence of it, they are producing a bomb, nuclear bomb. Looking over these situations, now what does this ask of humankind?

Either in the physical sense or daily political sense, the people are asked by God.

Are you going to use that nuclear energy as the alternative to oil and coal, in order to make our lives richer, to develop the civilization? Can you use the nuclear energy with the divinity of such minds?

Or, by making a bomb with it, are you going to destroy the earth, killing those who are not resistant and the children?

You are now being asked, "Which of the two are you going to take?" by God in the practical your lives too?

(Channeled message from Kaitron : September 19, 2004)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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