
5. The Principle of Creation Is a Universal Law from a Body to a Universe / Law of Venus (Selenity)

I am going to talk about the feminine a little more.

The Yang consciousness of man, love is caught by Yin consciousness. When it is caught and taken in yourself, it will change. When you have thought about the woman consciousness in yourself, and if you are going to express the woman consciousness, I think it could be compared to water.

All of the living things are fed the life by the water which occupies much percentage of the body, aren't they? And the water changes its shape by the container in which it is being put. The water becomes round when it is put in a round container; it becomes square when it is put in a square container. It doesn't have a fixed original form and soaks through into any kind of form freely.

Then, when it enters in it, it blows a life in it. When it catches the energy of the love of Yang consciousness of a man, when it catches a light, it encounters the water of life inside the woman. As the energy of creation, there works the principle of creation. The nurturing of life occurs, to create all nature, the same as the creation of universe. It is so in everything.

When creating a planet, when creating a universe, and when a baby dwelling inside of a woman, all things would be the same. God has created our body as the figure that most resembles his own. Sealing the secrecy of the cosmos and wisdom fully in the principle of creation in the body from the fertilization to the birth, He has created your body. From the minimum of this body of yours, to this entire universe, microcosm, macrocosm, to all of them, the principle of creation is one. The same it is. What has to be learned is this.

In some planet, there are the ones who have been working beyond the masculine and the feminine, exhibiting this principle of creation within themselves. But, in the step of Earth, it is the learning place for the step of love, to learn deeply the role of its own, being separated into the masculine and the feminine.

In that place, when a man works fully with the positive energy and throws love and light, catch them deeply, blow the water of life in your self, by the principle of creation, create a new life which is different from your partner or yourself. In such a way, you birth the life at the risk of your life, and when it is born, give milk, loving and caring, and grow up the children.

In the figure of mothers who have birthed babies, children, there is the will of mine, Saint Antonius, El-Ranty, and others, who have been nurturing Earth for a long and long time.

You do not know.
So that you could become able to live here in this Earth up until now, how many difficulties has the environment been prepared for your bodies to survive?
To create this body, how far have the Ninth Dimension spirits and other space friends been struggling and guiding you up till now?
How much have we loved and grown up you all and guided until today?
And, at this time of today, do you know how I feel I could convey this feeling to you as the same woman?
You might not understand.

(Channeled message from Selenity(the female part of Sun Consciousness) : June 22, 2007)
source of reference: "Prayer of Gaia" (Kindle)