
6. One Hundred Awakened Persons Can Change the Future of Earth / To My Loving Children of Earth (Aum)

What kind of stage is Earth going to be?
In your planet you are living, counting by your numbers, isn't it said "If there are one hundred persons who are awakened, Earth changes"?

Thus, as I was saying, "If you are truly children of God, if you are God itself, then there are hundreds of awakened persons who are aware that you are able to fully utilize the life, energy of God's love, and the power of the principle of creation as children of God, and that power would make possible the ascension of the spiritual dimension in that planet. "

It doesn't mean, all right, if there are simply one hundred believers in your group, this will happen. So, each of you are an important God's piece. No, you yourself are an indispensable life possessing an attribute of God, namely God itself. And, all of you are one. No matter whether it is Earth, no matter what kind of planet it is, all the existences possessing life are connecting as a body of God, as a consciousness, all those are the existence connected by love. If there are one hundred persons who are aware of this point, all of them strongly wish the beautiful future of Earth, and strongly wish to create Earth possessing such a future, the future of Earth would become splendid.

On that point, if you set yourself as children of sin, not children of God, if you conceal the use of your possibility and the power of creation, and if you forget the thought that you are others and others are yourself, all are one family to share both pain and joy, if you never think about the future of Earth, if there are persons who pollute Earth without awakening, and violate the spiritual field, the future of Earth shall be branched in either way.

Which way do you all wish?

No matter how it is said, "Earth is one, and all is the crew of the starship Earth,"; there have been many people who pollute Earth without any awareness. Opposing those people, can you lead the future of Earth to the bright direction? Awakening yourself as children of God, the principle of creation as an attribute of God, opening the original power of the spirit, and shining the sprit brightly all around, you could appear as such a group of one hundred persons who possess the ideal of the age and the vision of the future Earth, and could perform based on the principle of God's creation. Were you to do this, Earth first could make a new bright future.

(Channeled message from Aum (cosmic consciousness) : January 11, 2008)
source of reference: "Prayer of Gaia" (Kindle)