This blog introduce many messages of salvation for all humankind which was given by Amarie, a Japanese channeler. They are about many love and light messages by Higher spirits at celestial world, amazing plan of salvation for the earth and various fields which are very curious contents.
8. Sharing Through Love and Gratitude / "The Mission of Earth" (El-Ranty)
At present, your body is in such a coarse vibration, and you have such a coarse and heavy body with particles that are very heavy in our eyes. That is because there are various desires in your mind, such as the desires for status, the authority, every kind of fame, and the desire for control, which occupy the greater part of the inside of Earth people's mind. Like attachments to money and sex, such desires are occupying the majority of people.
By such things, you are holding so many things and have a strong feeling of attachment to the material things the level of which is very low to our eyes. Therefore you cannot but wear very coarse and heavy things as a physical body, in terms of both your body and vibration.
Throw off all adherences, keep only those things that you need, and whether that be food or anything else, do not store up them more than is needed, do not keep holding onto them. All that one needs is just as much as he or she can make to live, and if there is more than that, share the surplus with many other people; when people think like that, such things as working so hard all the time to earn one's living, and regarding others with hostility with a harsh look on ones face so as to defend oneself will disappear.
When you go to a planet in space being evolved to some extent, there is a big place like a kind of center, where food, drink, and the like are served free everywhere, without using money. Man cannot eat so much, isn't it true?
Besides, as for food, even if you buy a lot of it, it should only go bad, because the quantity you can eat has the limits.
So, it is necessary that people in need based on their time, age, and region share things among themselves. Giving to others is necessary. When people have truly learned in the thought of love, wanting much money to spare without thinking about defeating others in a region, thinking to store up more things than needed, comparing ones own self with other people to feel miserable, and having a sense of superiority or inferiority, all of those thoughts will disappear completely.
Things are provided by God as much as is necessary in order to maintain a physical body. Everyone works for that, and like a regional community, prepares food in that way. Under such a state, people share things with each other by love and gratitude. They are also sharing the farm products. If everything is being done in such a way, many of worries, poverty, and the like, which the present earthly world are experiencing now, will disappear from the society.
Upon viewing the present Earth it can be observed that the absolute quantity of food is not in short supply. Also whether water or wealth, neither is running short. People are starting to death because some people are keep things to themselves exclusively.
There are those who cannot even study due to having no textbooks. But on the other hand, here in civilized countries, there are so many children who have been brought up in luxury, spoiled, and become weak amid materials that are much more than enough. The money spending on them, the material things being given to them are ample. If people were to decide to share and give those things to the starving children in such places as Africa or Haiti, from a broader view as Earth people, such children, who cannot receive education, who have neither textbook nor pencil, would cease to exist, and in the end, such children dying of hunger due to the shortage of food would not happen on Earth.
To share with others. To make others' pain ones own pain. Such a thing, which lies at the opposite extreme of caring only for one's own sake, is love.
When Earth people can have this, in a true sense, as the Earth consciousness, as the Earth people's consciousness, when you can love and share, these various miseries will disappear from this ground.
Such times will certainly come. At that time, as I have said a while ago, your physical body will make a change, becoming very much lighter materially. Fo'r that, I say repeatedly.
For that, you must abandon desires.
Thinking only about ones own sake, about only ones own self, and caring for only ones own self, those earthly desires should be abandoned.
After getting back to the origin that everyone has been created as the children of God by God fundamentally and having learned to love truly, that will lead to such an age when people experience their spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, and various spiritual senses, their so-called sixth sense and seventh sense, all opening up. They will be able to talk to many kinds of beings, and fairies, as this person does, also to contact space people.
Only at the age and in that way will the times of the true enlightenment of the spiritual civilization in every meaning come to Earth in the universe.
Such an age, such a time, is the time for which we have been waiting for such a long time, from time immemorial. While guiding this human race, we have been cherishing great hope for its coming and the time when take a great leap forward will take place. I would like to emphasize this point.
(Channeled message from El-Ranty : July 2, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)
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