
6. Plan of the Heaven / "The Mission of Earth" (El-Ranty)

From now on, those of the ninth dimension will descend to visit you every week. And they will respectively convey their own cosmic laws, the laws of the ninth dimension. The laws will start to be brought down in earnest after this.

Not only the information new to you, also the teachings of the source of love will be repeatedly disclosed, and such speeches would be given by various spirits.

The preset is the time when the laws have to be brought down as far as it can be done. There is only a short period during which the laws of the ninth dimension can be descended. While the life of this person as a channeling tower lasts, we want to make as many opportunities as possible so as to bring those laws down onto the ground.

But listen. If we tell you about things that greatly the perception of which greatly exceeds your capacity, you won't be able to follow them, so we intend to develop our teachings in accordance with the present progress of your working and the status of your perception, considering the degree of your perception obtained through the work you've achieved.

Therefore, so far those of the seventh and eighth dimensional Bodhisattvas and Tathagata class, the series of those spiritual messages that you are recording now are given in order to prove that there exist various individual personalities in the spiritual regions. This task is of course important. I think it is important to convey to the people living on the ground in a way that is easy to understand based on their knowledge and wisdom. So I would like this to be carried on by them independently, but as for us, we of the ninth dimension convey our respective laws in order, such as by turns among us, and I think it would be good if the laws are edited and given titles by you.

I want to adopt such a style when carrying this out, and do you have any questions about it? What do you think of it?

We also have our plan, which is being decided by the world of Heaven. The plan cannot be changed in its outline. For example we have summoned this person and asked her to carry this out pressing her to undertake it in spite of her reluctant answer, but concerning other things, we in Heaven are arranging various plans and taking them down onto the ground, according to the people's free will, executive ability, wisdom, sense of judgment, motivation, and the like.

You must not depend on anything in all respects. I hope you on the ground take on these duties, as I always say, with your earthly efforts and spontaneous passions for your work. Then in response to it, this plan can become wide, broad, and deep unlimitedly and successively.

No matter how enthusiastically we speak, if the people living on the ground do not have zeal and motivation, we cannot take a plan down onto the ground any more, don't you think so?

Therefore, according to the quality and quantity of your work and your enthusiasm, we would immediately and rapidly arrange to expand our plan, like this time.

Thanks for your exceedingly hard work, receiving a communication from us is getting easier so much like this, so accordingly good members have joined in, and also your place is getting stable in terms of the magnetic field.
I declare. In August of last year, these five persons here, who are called priests and engaged in the compilation as their core work at present, came at that time. By the participation of the five of you, the compilation of laws was launched. I suppose that I told you of such a thing.

You are going to be the center of the compilation of laws. You were those who were able to do it and whom we had been waiting for. For this purpose, and prior to it, there had been such tasks assigned respectively to the persons to take the initiative and push forward, and the persons to start up the project.

However, when it came to considering the compilation of laws, the true state of affairs was that we were waiting for you. In fact, this kind of work cannot be accomplished without professionals at all. And then there came you, who are professionals and that have made the excellent conditions such as these.

Listen. The missions of the children of God have been always accompanied by the history of various hard battles. So, never be depressed by tiny troubles.

Turn your heart solely towards light. Turn it towards the love of God.

We are with you.

The love of God always is guarding you. You are the messengers of light.

As I have told you since a while ago, the universe is a mass of the love of God itself. The law of love rules everything.

Each of you is a line of the energy of the rushing stream of love in the universe.

When you realize this, what do you need to fear? I want to tell you this.

Instead of surrendering to trivial matters and difficulties, keep trying to overcome the weakness within your own mind. And do not get upset over trifles, no matter what people may say to you. If you allow the mind to become disordered and start to be in conflict with each other, pitting power against power, or words against words, that makes you fall down together. You must not fall into the chain of such things.

No matter how severely you may be attacked, if you have such a mind that you are doing this work putting everything you have into it and preparing yourself to risk everything for it under the absolute support of God as God's messenger, the guard of our protection being for that, you have to fear nothing.

As I was listening to you a while ago, I referred to that woman spirit called Miki Nakayama, the wonderful and splendid woman. She also had been doing that wonderful work offering her life. So then, now here has been summoned excellent you, and if you hope to offer your whole life to God with a consciousness about the same as that she devoted, no, as half at least of what she devoted, and when we think about how wonderful the ability you have is, it should be no surprise that no matter how much work you may be able to do in the present times, you can do several dozens times as much work as she did.

You are such wonderful persons, aren't you? So, you are trying your best using your ability to the fullest at the risk of your life for this great cosmic project, the Earth project, putting your passion and your whole life into it, as long as this lasts, in this scientific civilization of the present age, in this Japan matured to the maximum, in this Japan which is the center of the light, in this Lemuria of the present. Please know that what you can do has an infinite possibility.

In the infinite possibility to be able to contribute to God, now, having been given a mission, having had a life, having had the body, you are existing here now, I would like to say that you should give thanks to God.

Based on your mission, those of the next generation will make efforts. In Earth, such a time when this mission is revealed has not often come since the beginning of Earth.

Inversely speaking, the times when the step-up of this cosmic age can occur comes out by being calculated backward, counting the cycle and age in which the Earth is in.

So, you all have entered an important and crucial time of the great cycle in this Earth, in the planet called Earth. On this occasion, you are given a significant mission like this. I would like to tell this fact here.

(Channeled message from El-Ranty : July 2, 2005)
source of reference: "Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age" (Kindle)

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